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New cover, what do we think? 

Clara sat on one of the couches in her living room, resting her legs across it as she sewed a doll out of Edwin's shirt for Lila. She hadn't left the house ever since she'd come back to Avelyn; only once to attend Edwin's funeral.

She now understood why Edwin hated the color black so much. She did too.

She was supposed to speak at his funeral, but it was as if her throat was closed shut and she could barely breathe. She'd been grateful that the king took over, giving an incredible speech about his best friend. Despite everyone crying, Clara didn't shed a single tear, instead holding her little sister and rubbing her back to calm her down. Julian, Alan and Hazel and her family were by her side, offering whatever comfort they could provide. 

She just smiled and said that she was alright.

She left the funeral as soon as it ended, using the excuse of her leg hurting from a stab wound, to avoid any conversation. She felt empty, and her mind reflected that.

She was too quiet.

Victor had been wanting to talk to her for so long, but he thought she just needed to be alone for now, and that he was the last person she'd want to see in such a trying time.

Instead, the prince occupied himself with the increased duties that his father had assigned him now that they had gotten closer. Victor accompanied his father in all his meetings and errands so that he would learn what it would take to be a king.

With his ever-growing responsibilities, Victor found himself stressing more and had become stiff. He wasn't able to joke around with the dukes and duchesses of Avelyn during their meetings and it took its toll on him.

He wanted so badly to see Clara.

The absence of her teasing left a cold feeling in his chest, and he realized he'd prefer to wake up to a pillow hitting him rather than Matthews gentle calling. She always managed to make situations less tense and more lighthearted.

He didn't realize how much he appreciated her until now.

Clara was snapped out of her focus when someone knocked at her door. She lowered the skirt of her dress to cover her bandaged leg and limped over to the door, opening it a smidge to see who it was before she fully opened it.

"Good morning, Lady Clara." a woman nodded politely.

"Good morning." she offered a small smile, still not used to her new title. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"The king has requested for you to see him." The maiden smiled back, not being able to let her envy take over when the girl had been nothing but kind to her during their very few encounters at the castle. "He'll be waiting for you at the council room."

"Thank you." she smiled again. "I'll be there shortly."

Clara closed the door and put aside her sewing equipment in case Lila came home earlier and her curiosity got the best of her. She reminisced when she was Lila's age and pricked her finger trying to sew a gift for her mother. 

It terrified her.

She laughed at her new train of thought, wondering how her younger self would have reacted to the various war injuries decorating her skin.

Feeling comfortable in the dress she was already wearing, she decided it was good enough to meet the king in, only adding a coat to it and moves on to brushing her tousled hair. She tried to put it in a simple braid, which she thought she did pretty well.

Her mind drifted to the way Edwin did her hair before they went up to the castle together, and she frowned sadly, the memory tugging at the pieces of her heart.

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