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Clara had never been good with preparing for parties.

Which is why she now had half a mind to skip the Nowruz ball like every year, but one glance at Lila's excitement had her sigh in defeat. Had Hazel been around, she wouldn't have had such a hard time getting ready.

For the life of her, she couldn't tie her corset on her own.

Huffing out in frustration, her eyes caught onto the glimmer of metal on the side of her room. Eyeing her corset and the armor, she made the decision quite easily. A smile finally made its way onto her face as she settled into her dress the way she wanted.

Lila ran up to her with her choice of flower crown in her hand for Clara to adjust into her hair, but as soon as she saw her older sister, she burst into a fit of giggles.

"What?" Clara couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. "What's so funny?"

"You!" Her giggles intensified. 

Clara gasped dramatically, holding her hand to her heart as she looked at her sister in mock offense, watching her twirl away from the room, completely forgetting why she had come to Clara in the first place. The older sister smiled fondly at the sight; her sister's joy.

Knowing she wouldn't have had the energy nor ability to style her own hair well; Clara had wrapped her hair around a shawl the previous night and all she needed to do now was to unwrap it, letting her loose curls cascade down her back.

She then grabbed her flower crown and settled it onto her head.

She let out a shaky breath as she stared at her own reflection. Her body was littered with bruises and scars that were likely there to stay. Her dress didn't allow her to hide as she wanted, she figured that perhaps that was Hazel's goal when she picked it out for her.

There was no denying that her dress was gorgeous; the light tulle of the skirt blended nicely with her armor-corset, making it look more like an accessory than anything. 

She thought the grey of the fabric was very fitting to her mind.

Tearing her gaze away from the mirror, she lifted her skirt and headed out, calling for Lila to join her. She smiled at the lopsided flower crown on her head, and upon noticing how proud she was of her work, she too readjusted her own flower crown to match Lila's.

No matter who said what about her appearance, nothing could melt the happiness she got from seeing Lila's grin widen at the act.

No matter who said what about her appearance, nothing could melt the happiness she got from seeing Lila's grin widen at the act

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The castle yard was beautifully decorated with all sorts of flowers from every kind one could imagine. 

Avelyn was well known for its agriculture; the soil and climate were perfect for plants to thrive in, not to mention how skilled the farmers were. Though there were many laws established in favor of the kingdom's natural resources, they weren't needed to have the citizens abide by them. The people all valued nature and were highly protective of it.

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