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Clouds blocked the sunlight from getting through the vast windows of the castle, making it darker than usual. The leaves were starting to fall, leaving the trees empty, preparing themselves to hold snow on them rather than their usual colorful leaves.

Clara and Edwin paced along the hallway leading to the throne room, each clad in warmer clothes, their hair flowing with the wind coming through. 

"I always knew I'd have to kill someone when I began training," she admit, looking down. "I just never thought it would be this hard..."

"I wish I could say it gets easier." Edwin shook his head with a sad smile, patting her shoulder. "But it doesn't, you only get stronger. The pain of taking a life, it doesn't hurt any less; you just learn to accept it."

"I suppose you're right." she nodded. "It's just...I saw the light leave his eyes, and I've never been more terrified."

"The first is always like that." he reassured her. "I couldn't sleep for weeks after mine. I still think about it sometimes."

"I hate war." she said, making Edwin chuckle.

"Don't we all."

"Why can't people just live in peace? What's so desirable about power?"

"That's why we're here." he said. "Knights are here to make peace, not just protect and fight. It's not just about winning a war, it's mostly about preventing it."

"Then I'll do my best to do so." she smiled, pulling her soft cloak tighter around herself.

Loud voices were heard from the throne room, and one could easily distinguish the voices of the king and his son as they argued.

"I hope everything is alright." Edwin winced at a particularly loud yell. 

Everything was indeed not alright

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Everything was indeed not alright.

"It's your fault Cupia is angry with us!" yelled the king.

"Was I supposed to let him have his way with her then?" Victor yelled back, just as fiercely.

"No!" Harry huffed. "But you could have handled it better."

"I was nothing but respectful to Hugo!" he exclaimed. 


"Why aren't you questioning him? He's the one who was being disrespectful and now is angry!"


"No." he shook his head. "Why do you never take my side? I'm always the one in the wrong because god forbid you believe your own son over another prince!"

"Hugo is the crown prince!" he hissed at his son. "He could start a war or target to hurt you!"

"Then he's more foolish than I thought if he'd announce war over something so ridiculous." he rolled his eyes.

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