Chapter 1: Sneaking

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"Can you shut the fuck up?" Natasha asked Y/N as they rounded the corner in the apartment building they'd just arrived at.

"It's been a month and she hasn't shown up, Nat. I think it's time we give this up. Maybe it wasn't her who sent you that?" They responded. The past month had been incredibly draining as they'd spent nearly every single minute of every single day searching for her sister.

She turned to glare at Y/N, noting that she was getting much more irritated the more they continued talking. They threw their hands up in defense, silently waving a little white flag to show her they wouldn't push any further on the subject.

To be fair, Nat was beginning to question everything as well. She'd gotten a package a month back after going into solitude for a few weeks after her big split with the Avengers. She and Y/N had been best friends for years but had recently gotten closer again now that she had more free time from her top-notch hero job.

"This is the last place we'll check. If I can't find her here, then I'll just have to move on with these serums and hope we meet up in time," She stated almost defeatedly. It had been just over twenty years since they'd seen each other last and the idea of finally laying eyes on her sister again had given her hope. Hope that she was unfortunately slowly losing.

Y/N unlocked the door to the apartment and crept in slowly. Nat had made sure they were careful as they entered spaces her sister might be in. She wasn't sure if she had stayed with the red room and continued her life as an assassin or was able to make it out to have a life of her own. Truthfully, she wasn't sure she was even still alive but she didn't want to think of that just yet. She just had to make sure that she and Y/N were safe above all.

The two slowly walked into and through the apartment, peering around to see if Nat's sister had made her way here after sending that package. They checked every corner of each and every room but sadly found nothing. Defeat was settling in her body as Nat removed her jacket and placed it on the chair in what seemed to be the living room.

"What the hell is this place anyway, Nat? It looks like no one has lived here in years," Y/N asked as they checked out the pictures of random places that were placed all over the walls. They ran their fingertips over the wallpaper between them, seeing dust caked on as they pulled away, "Yeah... this is gross."

She sighed as she began, "This was where I stayed with Clint when we'd traveled here a few years ago. It was the only place open at the time and it wasn't for long, so we didn't care much for what it looked like."

Y/N could hear the disappointment in her voice knowing that this was the last place she could think to check for her sister. Though they were tired and ready to throw in the towel themselves, they made their way over to kneel next to where she'd sat in a chair near the window.

"She's out there, Nat," They began, "but maybe she doesn't want to be found, you know? Maybe she just needed you to have these."

Nat sat back in her chair as she attempted to fight back the tears that were brewing in her eyes. She'd genuinely thought that she'd finally be able to see her baby sister for the first time since they were kids. It was unlike her to get her hopes up but she just couldn't help it this time. After the issue that split the Avengers, the idea of seeing some sort of family kept her going.

As they grabbed her hand, Y/N rubbed the back of hers with their thumb, "I'm sure she's fine. We'll see her eventually."

She smiled as she leaned her head down to touch Y/N's forehead with her own, "Thank you," She replied.

They pushed their forehead into hers, which caused her to giggle a bit, "You always ruin the moment, dick," Nat stated as she pushed her forehead back into theirs.

"Yeah, we all know that's my specialty," They laughed.

Their moment was interrupted quickly by the sound of a quiet rustling coming from the kitchen area in the apartment. It had sounded like plates clinking together. The pair looked at each other quizzically, knowing that they'd searched the entire place and locked the door behind them when they entered.

Without question, the two stood and slowly made their way to the kitchen as they made sure to step quietly over the creaking floorboards. They made their way to both sides of the entryway that led from the dining room to the kitchen. Nat nodded to Y/N, noting that she would peek around to see what was there.

As she looked, there was nothing to see. Not a soul in sight that could've been making that noise. Her face scrunched in confusion as she began to turn the corner into the kitchen to make sure they hadn't gone crazy.

Just as Y/N was going to follow behind her, a force jerked them back by their neck. It felt like cloth, maybe a jacket or shirt, that had been thrown around to choke them. They tried their best to fit their fingers under it, but whoever had them in this hold was sure to make it tight enough to where they couldn't pull on it.

Y/N banged on the wall next to them to get Nat's attention to see what was happening before she could enter the kitchen. As she turned to look, her eyes shot open wide and her face was painted with shock. 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled as she lunged over to go after whoever had taken Y/N into this hold. Once she did, the person had relinquished their grip and moved on to defend themselves from Natasha.

The person had wrapped the article of clothing so tightly around Y/N's neck that it had nearly caused them to pass out. They ran their fingers over the place where it had rubbed their neck, which had now left a nasty burn, and attempted to catch their breath.

Eyes watery and blurry, they leaned against the wall and sank down to their knees. They could hear the fight that was taking place behind them. Plates breaking, walls crashing, humans grunting and yelling. Y/N knew they needed to figure themselves out quick so that they could help Natasha but it was taking a second for them to be able to fully focus and reorient themselves.

After about 30 seconds, they were finally able to stand and breathe a bit better. Their eyes began to focus as they saw Nat flip a blonde woman onto the counter in the kitchen, "Stay down! Stay down!" She yelled in the woman's face.

Just as they'd been able to focus on her, Y/N watched the woman crash a plate over Nat's head which caused her to fall back into them. They hoisted her up and threw her right back at the person who'd just tried to kill them.

Y/N was still trying to get their footing back as the two women threw themselves into the living room now, away from the plates and appliances that they'd been throwing at each other. They followed around the corner, watching as the two ripped the curtain off the window and wrapped it around each other's necks.

Finally, they'd gained their breathe and sight back fully which helped them as they darted over to help. This woman just fucking loves choking people doesn't she, they thought.

They kneeled next to her and pulled her away from Nat, distracting her from choking Natasha. As she stood to catch her own breath now, Y/N began a wrestle with the woman. They'd flipped around a few times before finally being able to pin her down, pulling their gun out from the holster to point directly in her face.

"Wait!" Nat yelled, "Don't! Don't do anything, Y/N! That's Yelena. It's her. My sister."

Y/N looked down at her scowling and still seething from the fact that they'd nearly passed out under her hands, "So what! She's clearly unwell, Nat. She nearly fucking killed me!"

Yelena looked up with a smirk that pissed Y/N off even more as they jutted forward, "The fuck is wrong with you?" They asked.

"Had to make sure Natty's friend could put up a fight of their own," She responded as she began to roll out from under them, "You're decent. Could be better."

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