Chapter 17: Trouble

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Yelena had spent about twenty minutes getting ready with her sister. When she exited the bathroom, Y/N was standing in front of the hotel mirror fixing their hair and straightening their jacket. She creeped out, taking a few seconds to admire them before they would notice she was there.

She noticed that they were dressed rather casually, causing her to worry if it was too much. They had a plain black leather jacket on over a blue and white flannel paired with some dark blue jeans and dark brown boots. She was dressed in a brown fur coat that she'd hidden at the bottom of her belongings, light blue jeans, a white thrifted shirt, and loads of jewelry. Nat had done her makeup for her and made sure it was done well.

As she began to back into the bathroom again in hopes of fixing this a bit, Nat did her sisterly thing and shoved her out once again. This did finally catch Y/N's attention.

Their eyes glanced over and caught her stumbling out of the bathroom once more. They began to make a smart remark when a lump was caught in their throat. She looked stunning and completely caught them off guard.

Yelena made her way over to them, strutting as though she was on the runway which garnered a laugh from the both of them. Once she made it to Y/N, they laid their hand out in front of her, "Shall we?"

Her nose scrunched and her eyes crinkled as she laid her hand in theirs, "We shall!"

The two made their way down the hall and to the streets that were lit up as far as they could see. People were walking about with no cars on the road. It was a beautiful sight and a nice cool evening.

Their walk to the bar took just a few minutes, leaving them not much time to talk about anything meaningful. They looked at the lights and talked about some of the people they saw on their walk. Many of them were actually dressed more like Yelena, leaving Y/N to look like the outsider.

As they made their way inside the bar, they sat close to the bartender and both ordered a beer.

There were just as many people inside as there were outside. It was clear this place was popular among those who live in the area.

"So, what stood out to you about this specific bar from the tons that we've seen on the road?" Y/N asked as they looked around and took a swig of their drink.

She smiled as she looked around at the people near them. They seemed happy, carefree. It was almost as though nothing bad had ever happened to any of them. She wondered what that might feel like.

"It just felt light, you know? It felt cheery. Everyone looked happy in this spot. I had to see if it was the place or the people," She responded.

They looked back, grinning at her response and watching her look around.

It was odd to be alone for the both of them. Even when they were "alone", Nat was near. She was either asleep, in the bathroom, or just out for a few minutes. Alone never truly meant alone for them until now.

Y/N felt lost for words for the first time in their life and hoped Yelena would step up to push the conversation again, but the two just continued to look around.

While Y/N felt nervous, Yelena felt safe. They didn't need to talk for her to feel happy. Just being with them was enough. Away from the mission, away from anything remotely serious. It was just her and Y/N.

"You know, I've always wanted to get a dog," She said finally as a person strolled through the door with a dog in their purse.

A laugh coughed up as Y/N noticed what pushed her to say that, "A small one like that? Or just a dog in general?"

Finally, the conversations were rolling. They talked about her wanting a dog and what else she wanted for her future once the widows and Red Room were behind her. She talked about her training and even threw in a few stories about her childhood with Nat.

"She used to get so annoyed that I would always ask for mac and cheese, but it was my favorite. Still is, if I'm being honest."

The pair laughed as they drank more and more, eventually falling a bit tipsy. Their smiles grew larger and their bodies began drifting toward each other more.

"It's been really nice getting to know you both. I mean, I've always known Nat. I just didn't know these parts of her until I met you," Y/N stated.

"It's been really nice getting to know you, Y/N," She responded scooting closer and resting her hand on theirs.

Their heart stopped for a second feeling the warmth of her hand on top of theirs. Slowly, her fingers began wrapping around until her hand was now holding Y/N's. Just as she grabbed hold and Y/N looked up to catch her eyes, they felt a hand on their back.

As they turned, they noticed a woman standing just behind them. Her hand stayed rested on their back, "Excuse me. I'm so sorry," she stated in a strong French accent, "I was wondering if I could buy you a drink?"

With no time to respond, Yelena held Y/N's hand above their head so that the woman could see, "No, you cannot," She responded for Y/N.

The woman smiled, still resting her hand on their back. Y/N gulped down a burst of nervous laughter as they tried to figure out what to do next.

"And you can remove your hand from their back, thank you," Yelena stated again, glancing from the woman's hand to her face.

Still, she did not move.

"Does the girl speak for you?" She said now rubbing their back.

Yelena finally released Y/N's hand and began to stand, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Whoa! Okay, no. She doesn't speak for me but I will decline that drink. Thank you though," Y/N began to gather their things while throwing down some cash to pay for both drinks, "Lena, let's go."

Her eyes glared at the woman but she let them guide her out the door anyway.

As they made their way out, Y/N grabbed her hand and began walking down the street. No words were being spoken, but their speed was picking up.

"Y/N," Yelena began to speak up, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

They didn't respond. Y/N continued looking around and walking quickly down the street. Yelena didn't know what to think. She couldn't tell if they were mad, happy, sad, upset. They walked just ahead with their hand just behind them.

"Y/N, stop come on," She pleaded.

Finally, they rounded a corner into a small cove between two buildings. Y/N stepped forward, allowing Yelena to step in front of them as they pinned her against the side of the building.

The cove was small, leaving just a foot behind Y/N and just inches between them and Yelena.

Their hands wrapped around her wrists as they placed her back to the wall and leaned in close. The pair's lips were just barely millimeters apart when Y/N grazed their nose against her cheek.

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