Chapter 20: No

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"You've got to be kidding. You're kidding. This is a joke, Nat? Someone explain what's going on," Y/N pleaded as their breathing sped up. Just the sight of Daisy Johnson in front of them again sent their nervous system into a spiral.

Yelena dipped her hand down to grab theirs in an attempt to calm them down, but Y/N picked their hand up as soon as they felt her touch. After last night and the questions that had been swirling in her head since they left their own room, she wondered what this could mean for them now. It had been a long month of the two dancing around their feelings.

"It's not a joke," Daisy started as she took a half step forward, quickly noticing Y/N retreat away from her, "Please. Can we just talk?" They looked over her shoulder to try and catch Nat's eyes but Daisy continued moving, trying to keep their attention.

Frustrated and beginning to heat up, Y/N stormed off leaving the three women behind. Anywhere away from Daisy, they thought, just anywhere away from her.

As they took off, Yelena continued watching. This entire thing had shocked her into silence. The path the day was taking took such a sharp turn that she wasn't sure what to do, or think.

"You need to leave, Daisy," Nat said, finally snapping both her and Yelena out of their minds.

Her hands raised to her temples, rubbing them in annoyance, "You know I can't do that, Natasha."

"You can and you will," Yelena interrupted, "You have no business here. You have no part of this. Pack up whatever you brought and leave."

Daisy's eyes squinted, "Who the hell is this?" She asked while looking back at Nat.

"Yelena Belova. Natasha's sister," she answered for herself, "and you will leave. Whether that is by choice or by force is up to you."

Her eyes rolled looking over at Nat assuming there would be more explanation, but none was given. Nat was never Daisy's biggest fan. Even when she and Y/N were in the peak of their relationship, something felt off. She knew that Daisy was not good enough for her best friend.

And Daisy knew that, but she hoped Nat's professionalism would pull through. After all, Nick Fury had been the one who sent her here.

"I have orders," She started, "and I don't have to stay forever but I do need to talk to Y/N so that we have all of our information in line."

"Well," Yelena interjected, "guess you'll have to get it some other way. If they don't want to talk to you, Y/N doesn't have to talk to you. So if you both will excuse me, I'm going to find them."

As she started down the hall away from them, a firm grip wrapped around her wrist.

"Please, let me," Daisy begged.

For someone so smart, she'd allowed her emotions to cause her to be insanely stupid. "Daisy-" Nat started but was quickly cut short as Yelena ripped Daisy's hand off her wrist and twisted it behind her own back.

"If you ever touch me again," Yelena spoke, shoving her against the hallway wall and wrenching her wrist tighter, "it will be the last thing you do."

Silently proud, Nat bit back a smirk and watched her sister release Daisy's arm and head down the hall to try and find Y/N.

In the months following Y/N and Daisy's break up, the two had not spoken more than a few words to each other and only did for purely work-related purposes. The same went for Nat, especially after Y/N had to coax her out of demolishing Daisy's office and face.

Though she was here on orders, Nat could tell in her face that Daisy was here for other things as well. Since they'd broken up, she had not dated anyone else. Their split was messy for a multitude of reasons, but none of those reasons were a result of lost feelings.

Unfortunately, those feelings were still very much there, even six months later.

Yelena had now found her way down the hall and hoped she was able to catch Y/N before they'd gotten too far. She checked the bedroom they shared last night first but found it empty.

Running now, she flew down the stairs and out the front doors of the hotel. Wherever Y/N had gone, they'd gone fast. Yelena was now realizing just how much she didn't know about them, but also just how much more she wanted to.

She continued walking around until she caught a glimpse of the black leather jacket just like the one they'd worn the other night. Inching closer, she realized she'd found them. Alone, sitting at a table in the coffee shop just across from the bar they'd been at the night before.

Making her way in, she did her best to not startle them, "Y/N?" she asked sliding in next to them in the booth. Her hand rested calmly on theirs.

Y/N looked up to meet her eyes and smiled lightly but then returned their eyes to the table. They'd been darting around trying to make sense of what had just happened while simultaneously trying to calm their nerves.

This wasn't a time for questions and Yelena knew that. She sat with them, rubbing the back of their hand and allowing them to process whatever feelings they were having.

A few minutes of silence had passed when Y/N finally took a deep breath and sat back in their seat, "Did you speak to her before you came to find me?"

Yelena smirked a bit remembering how she'd pinned Daisy to the wall with ease, "Yes."

"What did she say? Why is she here?" Their tone had changed inflictions from anger to confusion, "She had texted me yesterday but I had no clue-"

Yelena cut them off, "She what?" Irritation started brewing from the lack of communication Y/N had with this situation.

"She texted me yesterday before we went to the bar. That's why I left my phone behind. I didn't want to worry about it," They continued, still too wrapped up in their own thoughts to notice how quickly Yelena was heating up.

The feelings she had this morning were starting to seep into this conversation. Was I just a distraction? She thought. Was I nothing more than something to help them forget?

"Why didn't you tell me that?" she asked now yanking her hand away.

Feeling the quickness of her pull, Y/N looked up and finally saw the irritation on her face, "I didn't want to talk about her when we were going out? Why would I want to talk to you about my ex the first time you and I are supposed to go on a date, Yelena? I mean, seriously."

Date. That was the first thing they'd said that made her feel as though they were something more, but the thoughts she was having now had already grown too much, "Are you sure I wasn't just a distraction from your feelings for Daisy?" Her face grew more stern.

Y/N's eyebrows quirked up in confusion. Why she would think that was beyond them. Daisy hadn't crossed their mind once since the texts but not because Yelena was a distraction.

The night they had with her was one they'd been silently daydreaming of for weeks. Every second felt like magic with her and truly, all they wanted now was to go back. If they could, they'd rewind and stay in bed with Yelena... just a little bit longer.

"You weren't a distraction, Yelena," they sighed, "I really enjoyed last night."

A huff of breath quickly came from her now disgusted face, "Well good. I'm glad I could be of service to you."

With that, she had turned from the booth and darted to the door. Stunned, Y/N couldn't manage to yell after or get up to chase her. There was clearly something more that Yelena wasn't telling them...

Everything was perfect, they thought. It was all perfect. Why does Daisy always have to fuck everything up?

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