Chapter 7: Feeling

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Nightfall fell over them as they all started getting sleepy. Y/N stood from the couch before they could get too tired and decided to head to take a shower. As they made their way out of the living room, Yelena's eyes followed them closely and Nat quickly took notice.

Once she heard the door of the bathroom close, Yelena looked at Nat when she realized she was already looking at her.

"What's that about?" Nat asked with a sly grin. Seeing her sister like this was new, but then again seeing her sister at all was pretty new.

Yelena's eyebrows furrowed as she attempted to deflect whatever Nat was trying to get at, "Hm?"

Nat's head fell forward as one eyebrow quirked up, "Don't do that," she laughed, "You know what I'm talking about."

"I really don't," She responded as she returned her eyes back to the tv and away from the accusations.

Nat laughed again, "Okay, Yelena."

She didn't respond and continued staring at the tv. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Yelena built up the courage to ask what had been burning in the back of her mind since their conversation earlier in the day.

"Is Y/N dating someone?"

Nat bit back a smile because she'd known this was coming. Yelena's quick shift in mood wasn't for no reason.

"Why?" Nat asked.

Yelena's shoulders shrugged as her eyes stayed glued to the tv, "Just wondering. You talked about Bucky and they talked about that Daisy person."

Hearing her try to get around the real reason she was asking made Nat laugh a bit, "They're not dating her anymore. It was actually a really messy breakup."

Now she was invested, "What happened?" Yelena asked as she shifted her body toward Nat and finally took her eyes from the show.

Nat swallowed hard as she remembered what had happened between the two and how she'd had to spend countless nights over at Y/N's apartment when it all happened.

"Well, they were together for about 3 years. Y/N was just about to ask her to move in with them when a coworker came to them in confidence and told them she was cheating on Y/N," She answered as her head lightly shook, "It ruined them. Daisy blamed Y/N for always being busy with work and not spending enough time with her. So then they spent weeks blaming themselves before I was finally able to talk them out of it."

Yelena's face had dropped at the story. The idea of anyone ever treating Y/N like this was unbelievable.

"And did you beat her ass?!" She asked, now getting fired up.

Nat laughed seeing how angry this story made her. Though it was a horrible story, it was clear why she would get herself so worked up over it, "I almost did. I walked into the office the day after Y/N had told me she blamed them for her cheating, but they stopped me and begged me to not say or do anything."

As she finished her sentence, the two heard the door of the bathroom open up and Y/N walk down the hallway back to the living room. Yelena was still visibly angry and Y/N was quickly able to pick up on it when they made their way to the couch.

Looking at Nat, they asked, "Uh... What happened while I was gone? Did you all get into it?"

"She told me about Daisy," Yelena answered.

Y/N laughed as they sat down next to her with their elbows on their knees and face in their hands. Hearing her name still made their stomach churn, but seeing how angry the story must have made her made them smile.

"It's not funny, Y/N. You didn't deserve that," She said as she tilted her head down to meet their face.

They finally lifted their head from their hands and looked over at her, "Thank you. I know that."

While they were looking at each other, Nat leaned back and stretched her arms up before she stood from the couch, "Alright you two. I'm heading to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

Yelena looked over at her before she made her way out of the living room as Y/N looked over at the tv to see what they had missed when they went to shower. Nat winked causing Yelena's mouth to drop as she mouthed, "Shut it."

"Goodnight!" Y/N yelled as they stretched and stood as well, "Do you mind if I pull the bed out? You can stay down here. I just want to lay down."

She nodded and stood to help Y/N pull the bed out of the couch. The two adjusted the sheets and pillows. Y/N laid down near the middle and Yelena sat next to them with her back against the couch portion, leaving just inches between them.

As they got comfortable and began drifting off to sleep, Y/N moved over to lay on their side facing Yelena. She smiled when she looked down at them as they scratched their face a little.

When they laid their hand down this time though, it rested across Yelena's lap. Her breath hitched feeling their skin on hers. Unconsciously, Y/N's thumb began running over her thigh though they were now fast asleep. It was clear that they weren't aware of what they were doing.

Her mind was racing now as her body froze completely under their touch. Their hand was warm and felt incredible against her skin. As she thought about what she should do, she felt their body start to move again.

This time, they scooted closer to her as they wrapped their arm over her lap and nuzzled their head next to her thigh now. Now, her heart rate had skyrocketed feeling them so close to her.

She looked down at them as she raised her hands and thought about what she should do.

Do I move them? She thought. Do I stay?

No part of her wanted to move them or leave to go to her room. More than anything, she wanted to scoot down and allow their arm to wrap around her body. She wanted to feel their warmth close to her, but not like this. Not unknowingly. If it was going to happen, she wanted it to be because Y/N knew what they were doing.

She decided to rub their arm lightly to wake them gently, "Y/N," She whispered, "Y/N, wake up."

They started to stir, but instead of waking, they just pulled her closer and moved their head to lay on her stomach. Feeling them so close to her middle was causing those butterflies in her stomach to grow so large that one would think birds were flying around in there.

Instead of trying to wake them again, she just laid her hand on their back and rubbed it lightly. She knew that she would get up eventually. It wasn't smart to fall asleep in this position because there was no way of knowing how they would react when they woke up to their arm around her.

About an hour passed of her watching Friends while Y/N slept soundly on her stomach. They only stirred a few times to get more comfortable, pulling her closer to them each time they did.

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