Chapter 35: She's Here

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Yelena smiled as she watched them sit up straighter. Their head tilted to the side slightly, almost second-guessing themselves. It couldn't be her, could it?

Slowly, Y/N began turning until they looked at the door. There she stood beautiful as ever. Their lungs deflated like a helium balloon at a five years old's birthday party. The smile on her face quickly reflected onto theirs before they leaped over the back of the couch.

Before she knew it, Y/N had wrapped their arms around her waist and hoisted her into the air. She laid her arms around their neck, letting them soak in their happiness. After a few seconds, they'd finally put her down.

Y/N looked over her face admiring every inch they saw. "Is this real? Please, please tell me this is real life and I'm not dreaming."

It was better to show them than to tell them. Yelena put her hands on either side of their face, yanking them forward so that their lips planted firmly on hers. Simmons applauded, Nat laughed, and Fitz lifted his drink to the two from his spot on the couch.

They'd known she would come back, but now they were also shown that she'd still wanted them. She'd worked for it. She'd done what she needed to do and made her way back. The joy engulfing their entire being pushed them to tears.

Y/N pulled back, looking over her again. The tears were starting to fall now and Yelena worried. "Hey, hey. What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Their smile pulled high, "I'm just so happy to see you, Lena."

The nickname ceased her worries. Jumping forward, she hugged them tightly again. Y/N buried their face in her neck and dried their tears.

Everything felt surreal. They'd had dreams about this day and some had looked almost like this. But this was true, this was real. They finally released Yelena and introduced her to Simmons quickly before jumping over to hug Nat.

"I missed you so much. Why didn't you tell me you all were coming back?"

Nat squeezed them tighter, "We wanted it to be a huge surprise. There's other great news we can't wait to tell you."

Y/N pulled back, an eyebrow arched up.

"You'll see! Now let's all go sit. We brought pizza and wine, your favorite." Nat smiled.

Y/N inched over to Simmons, "Pinch me, will you?" She did, right above their elbow. "SHIT! I was joking!" The pair laughed before following the sisters over to the couch.

"Yelena, this is Fitz. Fitz, Yelena," Y/N smiled as they waves their hands between the two.

He stuck his hand out, "Nice to meet you finally! I've heard so much about you."

Y/N smiled and stroked the back of their neck. It was slightly embarrassing to let her know how much they'd spoken about her, but they were quickly corrected.

"I've heard a lot about you too! Jemma says you're the sweetest," she smiled.

They sat up a bit and looked around at everyone, "Jemma says what? How do you know what 'Jemma' says?" The air quotes they formed around her name made the whole room laugh. No one ever called Simmons by her first name.

Yelena and Simmons shared a smile before she explained, "Nat gave me her number last week when we started planning this. She and I have been talking about you and how to best set this up."

Their mouth dropped wide enough that one could see the chewed pizza they'd just shoved in their mouth. Yelena tapped their chin, closing it for them.

"You all suck! All of you! I can't believe no one told me." Y/N persisted.

Nat laughed, "It's a SURPRISE, Y/N! That's the whole point. Just shut up and be happy we're here."

"I'm more than happy. I don't know if I've ever been this happy in my entire life." Yelena smiled as she grabbed their hand and scooted closer. All she wanted was to be touching them at all times. She never wanted to leave them again. For as long as they'd let them, she'd be theirs. "Now tell me the other good news. Make this the best day of my life!"

Yelena held onto their hand as Nat told them the whole spiel. Yelena would work for SHIELD in the Red Room department. She'd move in with Nat and even set up her room that morning.

Y/N's face lit up as they looked at Yelena, "Are you serious?! You got a job with SHIELD and now you're going to live right down the road too?"

She leaned down as she brought their hand to her face, kissing it gently before responding, "Yes. I'm here to stay."

Not caring what everyone thought, they launched forward again. Y/N crashed into her lips and smiled as she giggled through the kiss. All their dreams were coming true right before their eyes.

Before sitting back up, they leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Can you please stay tonight so we can make up for lost time?"

Yelena choked down a laugh and whispered back, "Only if you promise to do that thing with your tongue like you did in Paris."

Their eyes shot open as wide as their mouth had. A smirk flew across their face, "Dirty. I like it. Whatever you want." They kissed her temple for sitting back up to rejoin the conversation.

The night continued on catching up with things that had happened over the past six months. Natasha explained how their missions had gone, Yelena had talked about the places they'd seen, and Y/N updated them both on the new drama settling at SHIELD. Simmons and Fitz had eased into the conversations so well that one would've thought they'd been with them on the trip in Europe. Y/N was thankful to see how easily everyone got on together.

As everyone began yawning and stretching, Nat stood to head home while Simmons and Fitz faded back to her bedroom. "Nat, you're free to crash on the couch." Y/N stood from their seat, throwing their arms up to stretch.

"No thanks. Yelena made me sick with the things she said she wanted to do when she saw you, so I'll head home," she smirked before Yelena slapped her. "Bitch! What?! Was I supposed to LIE?!"

Yelena put her face in her hands as Y/N wrapped her into a big hug, "Ooooh what were you planning to do?" They teased.

She started laughing before she pushed them off, "You're dead for this," pointing at her sister, the two began chasing each other around the apartment. Y/N laughed before their face fell into a small smile, admiring the sisters and how the two were finally back with them. Nothing they'd dreamed of the last six months could even slightly compare to this.

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