Chapter 38: The Jump

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Picking you up at 7:30. Wear the
outfit you picked out yesterday.
Love you <3

Yelena smiled looking down at her phone. She'd been at her new job for two weeks now and spent loads of time with her sister and even more time with Y/N. They'd both shown her around the city, enough so that she was starting to learn her way around.

Where are we going?

No 'love you too' and you expect
me to spoil all my plans?

You're so dramatic. I love you too,
you know that.

Yeah, but I still like to hear it :)

She acted annoyed but she absolutely adored Y/N, even when they did their best to annoy her. All she could do was feel her heart race even more. It was 6:15 now and she had about an hour to get ready knowing it would take every bit of that hour to do her hair and make-up.

Nat stepped into her room and helped her pick the colors of her eyeshadow, lipstick, and then a hairstyle. Eventually, they settled on something subtle because the outfit Y/N had told her to wear wasn't very out there. She assumed it wouldn't be somewhere super fancy considering how casual the clothes were.

"What are you up to tonight?" Yelena asked as she adjusted her jacket in the mirror. The past hour had flown by and Y/N would be there any minute now.

Her sister smiled softly, "I actually have another date with Maria. She's taking me to one of her favorite plays."

Yelena's head whipped around quickly, mouth dropped nearly to the ground, "That is the 5th one since we got back!!! This is getting serious. Oh my god, I can't wait to tell Y/N. They're going to lose it..." she squinted her eyes before jumping up and down on the balls of her feet, "AND YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE PLAYS! Oh, oh my god. This is the best."

Nat and Maria had gone to dinner three times, a movie once, and now this play on broadway. Their first date wasn't awkward, but neither had made any moves due to nervousness. On their second date at the movies, Y/N had told Maria that she needed to make a move because Nat wasn't going to. 

At the movies, Maria sat her drink down in the slot between them then rest her hand on Nat's thigh. Now, the rest was history. Things were speeding up for the two and Y/N had been begging Maria to go on a double date with Yelena and them, but she said it was too early. "Maybe after things were official," she'd said each time.

As Nat finished up with Yelena's eyeshadow, she smiled when the knock sounded at their door. Yelena had no idea what Y/N had planned for their evening and couldn't wait to hear what she thought of it after. Nat stood and let Yelena put her finishing touches on her outfit while letting Y/N into the living room.

"Nervous?" she asked.

They smiled, "No, actually. I've never felt more sure of something in my entire life."

Nat's eyebrows rose. It wasn't a total shock. She knew how much they loved Yelena, but now it was real, it was big. This was much greater than anything she'd seen when Y/N was with Daisy. It was like Yelena filled a piece of them that they'd always needed.

"I can't wait to hear about it. Are you all coming back here tonight or staying at your place?" Y/N joked about deciding after they found out if Nat made it back to the apartment after her own date. "Oh fuck off," she laughed.

Yelena stepped out from her room causing Y/N's eyes to immediately light up. "God, you are absolutely stunning. How do you seem to get prettier every single day?"

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