Chapter 19: Stranger ✩

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WARNING: Mature (18+) Content

Her legs straddled over Y/N as she pinned them down by their shoulders.

Truly, they were shocked. She had submitted so much since they left the bar that they didn't expect this from her. So, they relaxed and let her have her way.

"You left hickies all over me, didn't you?" She asked, her Russian accent much thicker than usual.

Y/N laughed, "And?"

"My sister is going to see those," She responded stoicly as her finger traced from their chin, down their neck, to their chest, then their stomach.

Again, they smiled, "She won't care."

Yelena's lips finally curved into a small smile as she started to lean down. Hovering just above their face, she looked from their eyes to their lips, "I know why you left them."

Their eyebrows furrowed, but she continued forward. Her mouth was now next to their ear, "You wanted to show that someone had me. That you had me."

"Yelena, I-" They began to respond, hoping they didn't upset her.

"No," She said firmly in their ear, "No. Tonight Y/N, I am yours."

Their breath grew shallow hearing this. They wanted more. They wanted her.

"Tonight I am yours, but now you are mine," as she finished, she began kissing up and down their neck just as they'd done to her.

Either she was skilled at catching on quickly, or she'd done this a million times before. Her teeth had sunk into their skin in multiple places and her tongue had made its way over their entire body.

In no time, Yelena had pushed them to climax just as they had done to her a few minutes prior. They laid on their back as she finished and rested herself on top of them, nuzzling her head in the crook of their neck.

Y/N wrapped their arm around her, pulling her as close as they could.

"That... was incredible," Y/N stated.

Yelena smiled but said nothing. She just nuzzled in tighter.

For a bit, the two sat in silence. Neither were too tired but just wanted to take in the moment alone, skin to skin. Yelena traced pictures over their stomach as she usually did on their back while they slept.

"You know, I feel you do that at night," Y/N said, expecting her to freeze nervously.

"I know you do," She smiled.

They both laughed and pulled each other in tighter.

Yelena shifted a bit as she tried to stand, "Everything okay?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I just have to use the bathroom."

Y/N watched as she stood and made her way to the bathroom door. It was tough to see anything but her silhouette, but they watched anyways.

After a few minutes, Y/N worried something was wrong and stood to make their way to the bathroom as well. Rounding the corner, they saw her standing just in front of the sink.

"Hey, what are you doing?" They asked.

A devious smile grew, "Waiting for you." She pulled them in and met their lips. As they kissed, their hands explored each other's body.

Y/N pushed her up against the sink before spinning her to face away from them. With her back to them, they kissed down the back of her neck and across her shoulders. It was clear that she enjoyed it by the way her head rolled back.

They gently guided her to bend over as they kissed down her back until they were kneeling down behind her. Their fingers were trailing the insides of her thighs while they continued kissing lower and lower.

Y/N slid their tongue out and did not allow for any input from Yelena this time. It trailed up and back, in and out, sucking here and there. This pushed Yelena to moan louder than she had before.

As she was about to finish, Y/N stood and allowed their fingers that were still tracing her legs to continue where their tongue had been and let her finish. With this, Y/N grabbed her hair with their free hand and thrusted with the other.

They continued doing so while the two made eye contact in the mirror that sat in front of the sink. Y/N saw the smile that grew on her face when they saw her, which pushed her to grind back against their hand.

Her legs started to shake again before they finally went limp, but Y/N caught her before she could fall into the sink. Lifting her up, they turned her to face them and pulled her into a hug.

Before they could wrap their arms around her, she pushed back against them and grabbed their hand. She admired the hand that pleased her before sucking what was left of her off each finger while never breaking eye contact.

It was in that moment that Y/N knew.

They were going to be doing this all. night. long.


After a long night, Y/N and Yelena woke up wrapped in each other's arms, skin to skin.

Yelena woke up a bit before Y/N and stirred a bit but tried her best not to wake them. She took time to admire their features before they woke.

She was stunned, but not surprised, to see how wondrous they looked after the night they had. Most people looked incredibly disheveled when they woke, but they looked serene. Truly, she could stare at them for hours like this.

A few minutes passed before Y/N finally started to stir awake and notice a pair of eyes still laying heavily on them.

"Morning," Y/N grunted as their eyes squinted and arms stretched out above their head.

Yelena smiled, resting her head on her propped up hand, "Good morning. How are you feeling?"

After a night like that? Y/N thought, "Incredible, honestly... a little sore, maybe."

She laughed, nudging them slightly before resting her head on their shoulder. For the first time in almost two months, the pair had finally had time to just enjoy the other.

They spent the next hour laying in bed without many words to be shared. Just kisses pecked here and there with some loving glances exchanged in between them.

Eventually, they'd have to return to the room since neither had taken their phones with them. Though Nat hadn't come looking for them, they still worried and wanted to make sure she was safe after a full night alone after what they'd been working on.

"You ready?" Yelena asked looking over her shoulder as she finished buttoning her pants up.

Y/N had been peering out the window, watching random strangers as they went about their daily life. They wondered what it was like to live among them, to not be involved in issues like this so often. To be able to do stuff like this whenever they wanted... What was that like?

"Y/N?" She asked again, this time making her way to wrap her arms around their waist.

Finally, they broke out of the depths of their mind, "Hey, yeah, yes. I'm ready," they responded.

Though their response was not quite believable, Yelena let it be. Kissing them gently, she took one last moment to glance over them and take in this time alone they'd gotten to have. She hoped for many more nights like this.

As they made their way out the door and down the hall, Yelena wondered if she should ask what this meant for them. Were they more than friends now? Was it just about sex for Y/N?

Just before reaching the door back to their room with Nat, Yelena went to grab their arm and ask but watched their room door swing open just before. A woman with dark brown hair and tan skin was standing in the doorway with a stunned expression on her face. Nat could be seen just behind her, clearly irritated.

Yelena looked at Y/N to find their expression matched the woman's and wondered who this stranger could be, until they muttered her name.


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