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"Tell us the story again!!" the boy cried out.

Y/N laughed as they pulled their wife, Yelena, into their side. Her rings were glistening from the light that shined in through their kitchen window. Two stacked on top of each other, one with a diamond and one with just a plain band.

"Nathaniel, we have told you that story every single day for the past two weeks!" Yelena laughed.

His eyebrows furrowed as the rest of his face scrunched up in unison, "I don't care. It's my favorite story. Please, mom?"

That line got her every time. Yelena could never resist it. He'd even mastered her infamous pout. Y/N couldn't believe how much he ended up looking just like her. The surrogate they chose look a lot like her, but they could've never guessed how great of a match she really was.

"We met in Budapest," she started.

"It's Budapesh-t," Nat interrupted, smiling as Nathaniel jumped to his feet and flew toward her. "How do you still get that wrong ten years later? You literally married Y/N down the road from the flat we found you in."

All three laughed as she hugged her nephew tighter, smiling as he giggled harder and harder. Nat had moved in right next door with her wife, Maria Hill, just a few months ago. Nathaniel had taken advantage of every moment ever since.

Y/N pulled Yelena into a hug as Nathaniel listened to his Auntie Nat's rendition of the way they met. "Did you ever think we'd get here?" They asked, pecking a soft kiss on her nose. "I mean, I know it's been almost eleven years, but sometimes it still feels surreal."

She fell into the kiss again, deeper this time. Almost eleven years together and their kisses never once felt less passionate than the first one they experienced on that pull-out couch with her sister just behind them.

When she pulled back, her green eyes sucked Y/N for the millionth time. "I always knew we would. So did you."

They nodded, "You're right but to be honest, I was never going to give you any other options anyway. It was me or no one." Both Y/N and Yelena laughed at the empty threat.

The two looked over, admiring the way Nathaniel's head flew back as his aunt tickled him. Maria came in behind her as she carried a box of beer and a few bags of food for their family night. This was their Thursday night routine ever since the two had moved in next door. Snacks, drinks, and a movie or games. It never failed and they all looked forward to it each week.

Yelena rested her head on Y/N's shoulder, smiling to herself when they kissed the top of it. This life was everything they could've ever dreamed of together. A nice house in the suburbs outside of NYC right next to Yelena's sister and Y/N's best friends.

"Jemma! You made it!" Yelena yelled out, slipping out from the wraps of Y/N's arm and running to the door. "Oh my god, you're huge. When are you due?!"

Fitz and Simmons both laughed at Yelena's lack of filter but agreed that she was huge. Their second child was on its way and due within the next month.

"Next month but I swear to god if this little shit doesn't pop out in the next week I'm going to rip him out myself," everyone laughed at Simmons' frustration. Their other little boy jumped up and down behind Fitz as he showed off his new light-up shoes that he'd gotten yesterday.

"Whoa, James! Those are so cool!" Y/N smiled as they walked over to rip him up into a hug.

The whole gang was together now. Usually, Fitz and Simmons were too busy on Thursdays but now that Fitz had taken a new shift at work, they were able to come over more often. They'd moved next door two years ago but were still just as wrapped up in work as always.

Everyone shuffled in as Y/N closed the door. Maria sat up the drinks and snacks as Yelena flipped through to find a movie for the night. She sat in their love seat diagonal from the television, awaiting her spouse to plop down beside her.

"I'll be right back," they smiled, heading to the kitchen to grab their own drink they'd already made.

After finding it, they turned around and admired their people all sat around their living room. Yelena was right. Y/N had always known they would get here, but it didn't make it any less invigorating. Something about looking at all of these people made their soul light up bright enough to illuminate the city.

Yelena turned, smiling and nodding for them to make their way back to her. Heading over, they jumped the back of the seat and wrapped their arm around her tightly. "Find a good movie for us?"

"Of course," she smiled, but took a second to hold eye contact with Y/N. Her heart fluttered just as it always did, just as it did that first night she realized her feelings for Y/N were much more than platonic. "I love you, Y/N."

Their heart skipped as they smiled before kissing the top of her forehead. Something about her had always drawn them in and made them swoon. Maybe it was the way she looked at them. Maybe it was the way the gold flecks in her green eyes twinkled in the light. Or maybe, it was because it was their soul was seeing its other half.

Y/N pecked her lips softly, hovering over them as they gazed back into her eyes. "I love you, Lena. Always and forever."

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