Chapter 10: Movie

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The afternoon was spent getting all the items they may need. Yelena guided Nat while she drove the three of them to four different stores to make sure that they didn't miss anything, even stopping at a book store for Y/N after they'd begged multiple times.

"You're such a nerd," Yelena laughed.

"I just don't want to get bored while you all are doing your thing!" Y/N replied as they folded their arms in and pouted their bottom lip out.

Since Nat was driving, Yelena was able to turn back to see Y/N in this state. Smiling to herself before noticing that she'd been looking at them a few seconds too long.

It was nearing seven in the evening now and Nat was ready to head back to the safehouse to relax. When they made it there, Nat talked both Y/N and Yelena into watching a movie together.

"As long as you don't make me watch Pitch Perfect for the millionth time, I'm in," Y/N responded while throwing their jacket down on the chair next to the door.

Nat shot a squinted look at them, "Yelena was right. You are a loser."

This garnered a big laugh from Yelena, causing Y/N to throw their hands up in joking frustration, "Alright, I did not come on this assignment to get bullied by two sisters!" They said as the three of them made their way into the living room.

While Nat started sifting through Netflix to find a movie for them to watch, Y/N went into the kitchen to grab some snacks. Returning with popcorn and drinks, they saw Yelena and Nat pulling out the pull-out couch.

"I thought we were watching a movie? Are you all going to sleep?"

"Of course not. Yelena suggested we pull out the couch for all of us to get comfortable on. The couch itself sucks but the bed isn't too bad," Nat responded.

Y/N smirked, wondering if Yelena had suggested this on purpose. When they looked at her to gauge her expression, she kept her eyes fixed on the bed as she patted out the pillows and smoothed the covers. Suspicious, but they decided to let it go.

For now.

Nat had landed on the movie Insidious, which Yelena was not happy about, "I just don't like movies like that! They scare the shit out of me!"

"Well, you can hold onto Y/N when shit goes down. You'll be fine!" Nat said as she adjusted on the bed and pressed play on the movie.

Yelena was faced away from Y/N, so they were unable to see her expression after that statement from Nat. However, Nat could see the anger painted across her face. She had to think quickly on how to react to what she'd said. If she was too harsh, it could show Y/N what she's feeling.

Instead, she decided to blow out a quick breath to ground herself and laugh. When she sat back on the couch, Y/N felt that she looked unbothered by the statement.

...I'm gonna stir this more, they thought. Y/N leaned over to her, just an inch or two from her ear and whispered, "You can hold onto me if you want."

A visible lump was seen traveling down her throat as she moved her head just slightly toward them. She smiled as they pulled away and sat back in their place on the bed.

The movie went well for the most part with only a couple of jumps from Yelena, causing Nat to go into a couple of laughing fits that got them into an argument or two. There were about 30 minutes left when another jump scare part came through, this time sending Yelena toward Y/N.

It was only slightly, but she grabbed onto their hand under the blanket as her arm overlapped theirs. Once she realized what she'd done, she allowed her hand to linger there for a second to see how they'd react.

Once her hand wrapped around Y/N's, they felt every hair on their body stand up on end while it felt like all of the breath in their lungs quickly left. As she kept her hold, they decided to move their fingers to try and intertwine with hers.

Unfortunately, as their hand started moving, Yelena took that as them being uncomfortable with what she'd done. She retracted her hand quickly and laid it back in her lap, leaving Y/N confused.

Now, her mind was racing. Was that too much? Are they freaked out? Did they think that was weird?

And Y/N's mind felt frozen. Why did she pull away?

The two tried their best to sift through their thoughts while finishing the movie. As it finally came to an end, Nat turned over toward the two to ask, "Do you all want to watch another movie? Like a calm, funny one so we don't go to sleep with that demon shit on our minds?"

Yelena laughed and agreed, knowing that though her mind had been racing for the last 30 minutes, she was still slightly terrified of going up to her room to go to sleep alone.

"Let's watch Moana!" Y/N exclaimed, quickly grabbing the remote from Nat so that she couldn't argue. 

Within the first 20 minutes of the movie starting, Nat had passed out cold on her side of the bed while Y/N and Yelena were just starting to get sleepy. The two hadn't said a word to each other since they'd held hands and were now fighting their own eyelids to stay awake.

Y/N slid down to get comfortable with Yelena following not long after. While her eyes were still fixed on the tv, Y/N looked over at her. They were still wondering why she'd pull away when they said it was okay for her to hold onto them if she got scared.

Yelena felt them looking at her and moved her head over, "What?" She asked with her eyebrows furrowed as she bit back a smile.

Y/N smiled and adjusted themselves to lay on their side and face her without answering just yet. They continued looking at her, processing their thoughts and thinking about what they should do.

"Why'd you pull away so quickly when you grabbed my hand?" They asked with their eyes fixed on hers.

She turned back to the tv, stunned by the question. Y/N allowed her to think and not rush her thoughts. It was clear that she was thinking through what she should say.

Finally, she turned back to them, this time turning on her side to adjust and face them. An answer still had not crossed her mind. All she could do was look back at them as they laid just a foot away from each other.

They could tell she wanted to say something but wasn't sure what it was, so they inched closer to her. She didn't move as their face got closer and closer, leaving just two or three inches between them.

Now, they allowed their hand to move from where it laid in front of them to lay gently on her hip while not breaking eye contact at all. As they got closer to her face, they moved their body forward as well and ran their hand from her hip up her side, pulling her closer to them.

She had no idea what to do as they did this. What will Nat think?

They moved closer and closer, glancing between her eyes and lips.

Would she care?

Their hand moved under her shirt and to her back, gently pulling her forward.

Would she be upset?

Now, their lips were hovering just over hers.

"Y/N..." She whispered as she closed her eyes but did not move.

They rubbed their hand up her back, continuing to hover over her lips, "If you want me to stop Yelena, I will..." they whispered back.

Their bodies were now pressed firm against each other as Y/N waited for Yelena to decide. If she wanted to stop, they'd understand. Her sister was just behind her and neither of them was sure how she'd react. 

A few seconds passed by and Y/N was feeling regretful. Maybe this was too far... they thought.

But just as they were about to pull away, she crashed into them. Planting her lips on theirs and bringing her hands up to the sides of their face. They did their best to stay quiet and not move too much, but there was a passion there that they both did not want to let go of.

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