Chapter 21: Seriously

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Have you heard from Yelena?

Yes. She's fine. Don't worry about
her. Where are you? We need to
talk about Daisy.

Don't worry about her, they thought, of course I'm going to worry about her.

Yelena hadn't been answering any of their texts, but they'd answered Nat's. At least they knew she was alive and safe. They told Nat they'd be back to the hotel in a few. A couple more minutes alone would do them good.

As they walked back, they prayed Daisy would be gone. There was a reason they didn't want to see her and she knew that.

When they knocked on the door, Nat came quickly and pulled them in, "What in God's name is going on? Why are you acting weird?"

"I'm not. I just don't know where Daisy is and I'd rather her not try to get in here again. She weaseled in the first time."

Y/N wasn't surprised. Daisy was headstrong and determined to get her way. It was a miracle that she hadn't followed Y/N when they left. Yelena must've made sure that didn't happen.

God, I hope she's okay.

"Alright, okay. So what's going on? Why is she here?"

Nat sighed, pulling up her phone to check the texts she'd gotten from Nick. Flipping her phone around, she showed Y/N what he'd said.

Johnson is on her way. Need her
to do some double-checking on
Y/N's paperwork. Should be in and

Nick knew the past that Daisy had with Y/N and was always sure to respect what he knew Y/N would want. Rough around the edges, but he went to battle for the people he cared about.

"Oh great, so she won't be here long. Why was she being so weird when she got here then?"

Nat laughed, "You know why."

They did. Truly, they hoped Nat would say something else. Maybe it was something that happened at home or that she was just nervous to see them, but no.

"Did she tell you anything before I left?"

She sat back, grinning to herself, "For some reason, yes. Why she thought I, of all people, would care is beyond me."

Y/N let their head fall back in irritation, "What did she say?"

"She wants to apologize for everything, make it right."

"Oh, I can deal with that. I'll talk to-"

Nat cut them off quickly, "Let me finish. She also said she wants you back. She said she 'messed up big time' and really wants to be with you."

Y/N scoffed. Sure she did. If she wanted to, then she would've realized this a long time ago.

"I'm so sick of her doing this to me, Nat. I still care about her, you know? It doesn't just vanish, but I don't want to be with her."

She understood. No one had understood quite like she did, considering Nat had been present for the whole ordeal.

The two sat in silence for a minute before Y/N finally spoke up and asked about Yelena, "Where is your sister?"

"I... don't know if I'm allowed to say."

Their mouth dropped, "Seriously?"

Y/N felt bad. Nat was stuck in a hard place, between helping her best friend and making sure she didn't upset her sister. Though they hadn't been together long, their relationship was truly mending.

Yelena and Nat had started joking more and even talking about things they'd gone through since childhood. It was nice to see them mending what was broken and Y/N hated straining that.

"Nevermind. It's not for you to get in the middle of and I know that. I'm sorry. It's just frustrating," they said before Nat could answer.

"I know. I tried talking to her but all she would tell me is that she's safe where she is," she replied.

They sighed, "I'm glad she's safe."

Silence brewed as the two sat, but Y/N felt the need to get something off their chest, "Nat?"


"Can I be honest with you about something?"

Nat sat up a bit, "Of course. You know you can tell me anything."

They took a deep breath, knowing this wouldn't be easy, "I haven't felt this way about someone in a long time. Not even with Daisy. Truly, I'm starting to wonder if I've ever felt this way about someone."

Nat's eyes smiled before her lips. She nodded, urging them to continue.

"This past month has been so... odd, but I wouldn't trade a second of it. There's something about her that just draws me in. I don't know if it's because you and I have been best friends for so long, but I feel like I've known her forever."

"Yelena has always had a knack for making people around her feel comfortable," Nat replied.

They laughed, "I just don't want to screw this up before it even has a chance. Last night was perfect in every way possible."

Nat's face scrunched, "Gross."

"You didn't have to take it there, but I will if you want me to," a devious smile grew across Y/N's face.

"I will murder you if you even try," they both laughed.

Y/N laid back on the bed, trying to gather their thoughts even more. These feelings for Yelena were so strong and they realized how different they were from Daisy's once they sat in the coffee shop alone. It wasn't that they needed to sort their feelings out about her...

No, they needed to figure out how to keep Daisy from ruining this. If there was one thing she was certain of, it would be Daisy trying to place doubt in Yelena's mind.

But apparently, she didn't even need to do that herself. Yelena had run off with doubts she'd created on her own. "Why is she so upset with me? I don't understand what I did."

Nat laughed, "I don't know. I wasn't there and like I said, she won't tell me anything. I would say it's probably all a stupid misunderstanding."

Y/N tried texting her again.

Can you please answer me?
Just meet me in the hotel room.
Nat has stuff to run and do. We
can talk alone.

Time passed with no response.

"I'm sorry. She'll come around," Nat said as she began throwing her jacket on, "I'll see you later. Let me know if you need anything while I'm out."

Y/N nodded, "Will do boss."

Out the door she went to god knows where. All Y/N knew was that they'd enjoy some time alone, especially if it was away from Daisy.

Their eyes started to flutter shut, allowing them to drift into a nap. Just as they had, their phone vibrated harshly from where it sat on their chest. Pulling it up and opening it, they saw a text they desperately needed.

Sure. Be there soon.

Not the best, they thought, but it will do.

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