Chapter 6: News

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The three spent the rest of the day catching up on everything they'd missed over the years. Nat told Yelena all about the Avengers and her situationship with Bucky.

Yelena told the two of them about her time killing Dreykov and her time running from the other widows. She'd even told them about the vest that she was wearing.

"It has a lot of pockets!" She exclaimed with a smile.

Y/N laughed at her excitement but found it cute, "It looks like it's from Army Surplus."

Her smile dropped a bit, "The pockets are useful. I use them all the time! Ugh, you guys suck."

Nat smiled as she shook her head, "I like your vest."

"I knew it! It's so cool, right?! You can put so much stuff in here, you wouldn't even know!" She smiled again as she looked at Nat. The two were really bonding again and enjoying their time together.

The sun was finally starting to set on their day. They'd spent most of it catching up, but some of it was spent just relaxing and watching tv together on the pull-out couch where Y/N slept the night before.

After a month of searching nonstop for her sister and years of work with the Avengers, Nat was finally taking some much-needed rest. Y/N was happy to finally be off their feet as well.

Before it got too late, Nat remembered that she needed to make her call to Nick, "I'm going to go call Nick and talk to him about you staying to work with me. I'll be back in a few." She made her way out of the living room and up to the room where she'd slept the night before.

Y/N watched her leave the room before looking back to the tv. Yelena had already flipped the channel from the sports that they were watching to her favorite channel.

"Oh my god, come on," Y/N said as they laughed and looked at her, "Again?! Can we watch something else?!"

She laughed as she shook her head and leaned back on the couch. The two had sat next to each other hours ago when they'd all sat to watch tv together and catch up. Now that Nat was gone though, the inches between them was filled with tension.

"Get used to it, Y/N," her head turned to look at them as it rested on the couch. They were already looking at her with a smile from the laughter they'd been trying to keep down from seeing Friends on the screen once again.

This time, it was Y/N who felt something they hadn't before. Her green eyes were captivating and drawing them in. Their eyes stayed locked as the two smiled lightly at each other.

Something in their chest was lighting up as their eyes traveled from hers, to her nose, and down to her lips. They look soft, they thought, but Nat would kill me.

Still, they didn't take their eyes off her as she did the same. She'd looked down at their lips once again before looking back up at their eyes.

Y/N coughed slightly and turned their attention back to the tv before they let themselves get too far deep. The two had just shared a moment that couldn't happen in their eyes. That was their best friend's little sister. There was absolutely no way Nat would be okay with it.

Yelena, however, did not move her gaze from them as quickly. She continued to study the side of their face. The way their profile looked perfect to her just managed to draw her in even more. She imagined placing kisses along their jawline and making her way to their lips.

When she realized what she was doing, she shook her head and returned her eyes back to the tv as well. Her reasons for not allowing herself to feel this were far from the same as Y/N's. Yelena had only ever known the Red Room. She'd only ever experienced feelings of fear and anger when it came to other people.

She assumed that whatever this feeling was she was having was just because she enjoyed their company, which was unusual for her. I'm sure everyone does this, she thought.

But they don't. Everyone definitely does not look at someone they just met and imagine the things she was imagining, which were much more than just kisses.

The two laughed as they watched a few minutes of the Friends episode but didn't speak after the moment they shared. Instead, they waited for Nat to return from her phone call with Nick in hopes that she would return with good news.

After about ten minutes, she finally came downstairs. Both Yelena and Y/N looked over at her trying to gauge her mood to see what they thought might have happened.

"Alright," she started as she fell back on the couch next to Yelena, "he is okay with it."

Yelena couldn't hold her excitement and did a little jig before calming herself down. She looked at Y/N who was already smiling down at her. They nudged her arm with their elbow, sending a shock of butterflies through her entire body.

In order to keep the feelings she was having from their touch showing on her face, she looked back at Nat who seemed to still have more to say.

"He said that you'll be doing a shit ton of paperwork on this though, Y/N," She said with a scrunched face knowing how much they hated paperwork.

"That's fine," They responded but Nat still wasn't finished.

"No, you don't understand..." She took a deep breath before continuing. Yelena and Y/N looked at each other with concerned expressions.

"Nat it's just paperwork. It sucks but it's part of my job."

"He wants fine detail of everything we do while you're on this assignment, Y/N," She said as she leaned over to make sure they saw her face, "Meaning you will have to keep track of absolutely everything and your report is going to be significantly longer than any other report you've ever done in your entire career."

Their face dropped at the realization. Any time Nick had someone do something like this, he expected perfection. If they did not deliver a good report, they wouldn't go out into the field for another assignment for a LONG time.

Yelena looked between the two of them confused as to why this would be such a big issue, "I'll help you, Y/N. We'll both help you. We'll take notes down every day to make sure we don't miss anything. Don't worry about it."

Nat's face scrunched a bit hearing Yelena being so helpful to someone she'd been relentlessly picking on not long ago. Nonetheless, she agreed with Yelena, "We will. Having you with me will be helpful and I'll need all the evidence I can get to be able to take you on more assignments with me."

Y/N blew out a long breath as they looked down at the floor. The last person who'd had an assignment like this was fired due to not meeting every single criterion that Nick wanted from them.

"Thank you both," They finally responded as they looked up at them, "I'm going to need some stuff in order to keep all of this shit together. Before we head out for the first station, can we stop by a store to get some supplies?" Y/N asked Yelena who nodded.

"We'll plan tomorrow and head out to get everything we need. Then we'll take one more night here to get all the rest we need, then we'll head out to our first station the following day," She responded.

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