Chapter 2

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The young woman was walking around the giant ballroom. She was like a breeze, slipping away from anybody that tried to look at her for too long. Her steps were firm and filled with confidence, her face was revealed, since nobody would know who she was, since nobody had ever seen it before.

Her black, long, satin dress clung onto her body, showing off every single one of her curves, but at the same time concealing all her weapons. Many of the men were giving her dirty looks. Her aura gave off power, making them cower. Others were looking at her like a prize or something to be conquered. She paid no mind to them as she sat at the small bar.

Her eyes were at the crowd, observing all the powerful men in there. She needed to gather as much information as she could, for her cause.

"What is a lady like yourself doing in this miserable ball?" A man's voice snapped her out of her task.

She turned around and looked at him. He looked to he about her age, he had olive-coloured skin and hazel eyes, while his hair was a deep shade of brown. An Italian. She thought.

"Enjoying the free booze and dirty looks from sexist pigs. " She replied, taking another sip from her drink.

"Giovanni, pleasure to meet you. " He said extending his hand. She just shook it, without introducing herself.

"Do you know that man over there?" He asked. Her eyes darted to where he was pointing, a man surrounded by his security guards was staring at her. A look of lust was covering his eyes. Before answering her newly found companion's question. She raised her eyebrow towards the man staring at her, he flashed a disgusting smile her way, to which she replied with an eye roll.

"Neither do I know him nor do I want to find out anything about him." She seemed completely uninterested in that man. He looked like another middle-aged white man trying to get in between her legs.

"Well mio amica (my friend), as far as I'm concered Theodore Devlian is not worthy of being known altogether. " Once the sentence left Giovanni's lips she took another look at Theodore to find him still watching her. That was the problem with a lot of men, they couldn't take a hint.

"Giovanni we're leaving stand up." Another male's voice was heard. This one was different, his voice was filled with power and authority. Her eyes shot up, as she looked at the man behind Giovanni.

A gorgeous man he was indeed. He stood tall and muscular. Tattoos seemed to be covering every inch of his skin that could be seen. His hair was a deep brown color -almost black-, which contrasted with his forest green eyes.

"Un momento. (One moment). " Giovanni replied. The man raised an eyebrow as his eyes landed on the woman's form.

He was stunned to say the least. He hadn't seen a woman in this type of events, that breathed power in a very long time. Her hair were a shade of silver, that complemented her brown eyes perfectly. Whereas, he could see a tattoo creeping up her open back as well. She was easily one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen.

"That's Lucio and Lucio that's uh- I don't think I know your name. " Giovanni said, chuckling. Neither of them spoke, they just stared at each other.

"Am I not deemed worthy to know your name? " Lucio asked, crossing his arms. The look on her face morphed into something different.

"I reveal my name to those who deserve to know it. " She bit back, standing up from her seat. He walked her way, taking her hand and placing a kiss on top of it.

"Am I interrupting something Mr. D'Angelo? " They both took their eyes off each other to stare at Theodore Devlian who had now decided to make an appearance. Giovanni immediately stood up taking his place next to Lucio.

"You gorgeous woman must be Sylvia." He spoke, giving her a smile. She sharply turned his way. She was both irritated and confused. Nobody should know her name let alone recognize her. Not only did he have that information on her, but he also revealed it to the other two men present. Her hand reached for one of her hidden weapons, a gesture Lucio noticed, before placing his hand on hers subtlety stopping her.

"Oh don't get violent my dear, I merely wanted to meet this infamous persona. I have to say the streets don't do your name justice. I wasn't informed of your disarming beauty. " Theodore once again said with a toothy grin.

"Since you know so much about myself, I expect of you to also be informed of how I deal with narcissistic assholes who think they know a little too much about me. " Her voice was calm, a little too calm. Lucio to her pleasure had removed his hand from hers, she could kill this man in an instant.

"Lucio se lei lo uccide, i suoi cagnolini le spareranno in un istante. (Lucio if she kills him, his lap dogs will shoot her in an instant.) " Giovanni said quietly to his friend and boss.

"Theodore I believe the lady isn't very fond of your company and since I'm not in a mood to see a dead body, please leave." Lucio sharply said, using the man's first name, showing him that he held more power than him.

"I would never harm such a being and you know that. " Theodore answered back, making Sylvia take a threatening step that was stopped by Giovanni's arm.

"I meant your dead body, Theodore. " Lucio's response made a devilish smirk appear on Sylvia's face. Theodore just laughed and passed a wink to Sylvia before walking away.

"I'm sure you're a smart cookie luce del sole (sunshine) therefore you should know better than attacking a man when all his bodyguards are here. " Giovanni pointed out, earning him an eye roll from Sylvia.

"I'd say it was a pleasure meeting both of you, but I don't lie." She bluntly said, turning around, although she knew that the whole sentence itself was a huge lie.

"Till next time, amore. (love)" Lucio replied as he watched her walking away. Taking in her presence one last time.

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