Chapter 18

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"How was date night?" Giovanni asked, entering Lucio's office. Sylvia was also there, sitting on one of the chairs bored out of her mind.

"Look what I got bitch. " Sylvia excitedly said, shoving her hand in Giovanni's face. Giovanni squealed, making Lucio's eyes widen and look at him.

"That sounded like a coyote dying." Lucio mumbled, earning him glare from Sylvia.  Giovanni smiled, taking a seat.

"I'm happy you guys had a great time, but I'm here for business. Lucio you haven't been to the warehouse in a long time. Not having you there is starting to make our people sloppy."

"Sloppy?" Lucio asked, crossing his arms.

"Si (yes), just last night some of our men forgot to collect a debt. A big one at that." 

"You should go there today my love. Remind them why they are here and what their job is." Sylvia intervened.

"Liliana and Antonio are out today Syl. I don't want to leave you alone."

"I can take care of myself Lucio. I've taking care of myself before I met you just fine."

"Very well. Gio get the car ready, we'll leave in half an hour." Giovanni nodded, leaving the two of them alone. Lucio stood up, walking in front of Sylvia, kneeling before her.

"I am in love you, you know?" He said stroking her thigh.

"Don't say shit you don't mean Lucio." She bit back, standing up from her seat. Lucio was surprised out of all reactions he didn't expect this one.

"Are you fucking mental Sylvia? Why wouldn't I mean it?" He stood up as well.

"We've known each other for like a month, you can't love me. I'm not someone to be loved."

"What the hell is wrong with you? You're literally wearing a promise ring I gave you, I told you yesterday that I would be by your side forever. Why are you freaking out about the fact that I love you?"

"You don't love me Lucio."

"Do you think this whole thing between us is just a game? A game I play with you to hurt you."

"Maybe it is."

"You're acting like a lunatic." His voice was now raised. She bit her lip, her expression softening as she went to his side, wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared you know. I'm scared that you'll get snatched away from me, everyone I loved was taken away from me. I don't want that to happen with you as well." She mumbled into his chest. Lucio let out a heavy breath, caressing her hair.

"I'd burn the world down, kill everyone and fight God himself were you to be taken away from me. Get that into your thick head and just let me love you Syl. Even if you don't love me back, just let me love you." He whispered the last part.

"The reason that I'm freaking out this much is because I think I love you too Luc and it fucking sucks to think that someone will take you from my side." She felt tears spilling from her eyes.

"You told me that I was your future and salvation. I'm not your salvation Lucio, you are mine. The things that I feel for you are the purest things I've felt in a long time." She continued, her tears staining his shirt.

"Stop crying Sylvia, it's us. It's us till the universe's demise." He whispered, kissing her forehead.

"I feel like I'm on the set of a romance movie, crying because a guy told me he loved me." She joked, making him chuckle.

"You just know how to lighten up the mood." Her head shot up, looking at him.

Her cheeks still had wet tears rolling on them, but a smile was tucked on her lips. A smile on her lips that Lucio never wanted to go away. He leaned forward, kissing her.

"Yesterday you made me look like an asshole when you got me a ring and I had nothing to give you."

"As long as you're next to me, Sylvia I need nothing."

"Stai zitto! (Shut up!) If I were to do something crazy like making an appointment to get your name tattooed on my collar bone would you be mad?" She asked, his eyes widening.

"If you did something like that I'd be pissed off; that you didn't let me tag along to get yours."

"I'll send you a pic when I'm done, love you." She stated, kissing his lips and running out before he could anything. She could hear his laughing while making her way to Lucio's room, that they shared.

She got dressed, walking to the living room. She saw two of the bodyguards that were usually stationed outside the mansion, waiting for her.

"Miss Amaretti, we are here to escort you anywhere you need to go. Boss's orders." Sylvia rolled her eyes, deciding against making a snarky comment. They were just following orders it wasn't their fault.

"Come on stand up my lovelies I have an appointment to get to." She clapped her hands, the two men standing up.

They got into a car making her seat in the back, for her protection. They drove to the tattoo shop Sylvia had made an appointment at. She went inside the two guards following closely behind her.

"Good morning how may I help you?" A kind looking young man asked once she entered.

"Hi I've made an appointment for a name tattoo. I'm really sorry for the bodyguards, if they bother you, just let me know." She sweetly smiled, she didn't want Lucio's overprotectiveness to be a burden to other people.

"Don't worry about it, let's get started. " He led her to a back room. She sat on a big chair, pulling down a strap of her top, so he can place the stencil.

After a long time of pain, lip biting and trying not to move they were done. Sylvia thanked the man, paying him and leaving.

"Wait here." One of her bodyguards ordered her. He had a gun in his hand, as he entered the house.

Minutes were passing by and he still hadn't returned, hearing a thud she turned around to find her other bodyguard had disappeared. She took her phone out, calling Lucio.

"Luc something is wrong. Something is wrong come home." She merely said, hanging up the phone.

She took her gun out, slowly entering the house. The lights went out,Sylvia calmed her breathing trying to hear for any noise. A hand grabbed her shoulder, she pulled it forward, making the person land on the floor.

She kicked him, hearing his satisfying groans. She aimed as well as she could in the darkness and fired a shot. Before she could react, a piece of cloth was over her face. She felt the drug invade her body, her eyes closing.

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