Chapter 11

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"Antonio pinch me. What I'm seeing must be an illusion, the crinkly old Lucio couldn't be making out with Sylvia." Giovanni was yelling, hitting Antonio's arm.

"Who is making out with who?" Liliana's high pitched voice was heard, followed by footsteps on the stairs.

"Did you drug her? Tell me you monster." Giovanni asked pointing his finger at Lucio.

"He didn't drug me. Guys calm down is it really that big of a deal?" Sylvia replied calmly.

"He definitely drugged her, listen to her Gio, she's never that calm. " Sylvia pitted Antonio who was stuck in between Giovanni and Liliana.

"We need to set some ground roles. " Liliana stated and Giovanni nodded. The two of them sat across from Sylvia and Lucio, Antonio following them not bothering to interfere. They crossed their legs at the same time making Sylvia raise an eyebrow.

"They've been practicing that since they met. " Lucio whispered into her ear.

"First of all, no having sex on the kitchen table or any other communal spaces." Liliana began.

"Secondly taking into consideration that both of you are butchering killing machines, it is expected that you deal with most mafia's problems, giving the rest of us more time for vacation. "

"Did he just call us...?" Sylvia whispered.

"Just go with it. " Lucio replied.

"Antonio anything you would like to add?" Asked Giovanni, but the man just shook his head.

"Oh I have something to add. Sylvia you fucking idiot. You could have chosen me, the prettiest one in the house or Antonio with his whole mysterious guy facade and you chose Lucio. You willingly chose the guy who wears black shirts everyday." Sylvia burst out laughing hearing Liliana's statement. Lucio was just watching her a small smile tucking on his lips, watching as she laughed, he couldn't get enough of the magical sound.

"What are we doing tonight? It's Sunday." It was the third time Sylvia had heard Antonio's voice.

"Merda, ci siamo dimenticati di pianificare qualcosa. (Shit we forgot to plan something.) " Exclaimed Giovanni.

"Sundays are family nights. We always do something together." Lucio explained, noticing Sylvia's confusion.

"Uh- I can go to my room and let you guys to it." She politely said, standing up from the couch.

"You better sit that ass back down before I stab you. You're one of us. " Liliana threatened. The corners of Sylvia's mouth pulled up, after a long time she felt welcome. She felt something heartwarming and completely unexplainable.

"I'm voting on Truth or Drink since we didn't plan anything else." Antonio suggested. Giovanni and Liliana both stood up, running to the kitchen.

Some minutes later, they were running back into the living room; Giovanni trying to hold three bottles of tequila and Liliana trying to balance five shot glasses.

She placed the shot glasses on the small glass table in front of them, as Giovanni filled every single one of them to the brim.

"Lils what's your biggest kink?" Giovanni asked first, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Knife play, with my daggers of course." She revealed giving him a little wink.

"Syl babes if you had to have a threesome with two celebrities, a male and a female who would they be and why?" Liliana asked, a victorious grin on her face proud with her question.

"Johnny Depp and Scarlett Johansson."

"Well you answered that quickly. " Liliana mumbled under her breath.

"And I'm not elaborating on my choice, so cheers motherfuckers." Sylvia stated, downing her shot.

"Lucio out of Giovanni and Antonio who would you rather sleep with?" His eyes widened.

"No homo with the homies brother." Giovanni said laughing. Lucio picked up his shot glass, emptying it into his mouth.

Hours passed with the group drinking, laughing and asking uncomfortable questions. Sylvia was sitting on top of Liliana, Antonio and Lucio were having a conversation and Giovanni was laying on the floor.

"You're so hot Liliana you look like a raspberry." Sylvia said, playing with her friend's hair.

"Stop you're way hotter." Sylvia grabbed Liliana's face kissing her lips.

"Are they making out?" Antonio asked Lucio who just shrugged. The girls pulled apart, laughing.

"Lucio get jealous, I'm making out with your bestie. " Sylvia screamed pointing her middle finger at him.

"Puoi baciarla quanto vuoi, io sono quello a cui appartieni. (Kiss her as much as you want, I'm the one you belong to.) " He simply replied, making a devilish smirk appear on her face.

Getting up to her feet, she laid to the floor, next to Giovanni, wrapping her arms around him. She could feel Lucio's eyes focused on every single one of her movements.

"Awe Sylvia it's the first time you've hugged me." A smile on Giovanni face as he held her tightly.

"I can do more than just hug you." When the words left her mouth, she was being pulled back by rough hands she knew belonged to Lucio.

"Time for bed darling. " He whispered into her ear, picking her up bridal style and taking her to a room she'd never seen before.

In contrast to her own room, this one had a darker interior. The walls were grey and most of the decorations including the bed were black. Lucio placed her on the bed, staring at her.

"Did you get jealous Lucio? Huh my love?" An amused tone on her voice. A deep chuckle escaped him as he kneeled beside her.

"Something you haven't noticed my darling is that our rooms are right next to each other. Our bathrooms especially are only a wall apart." She was confused about what that had to do with anything.

"I heard your soft moans as you touched yourself thinking about me. About me. Not Giovanni or Liliana." She felt her face starting to get red, no one was supposed to hear her.

"How are you so certain I was thinking about you?" She was challenging him and she knew it. He grabbed her chin, making her look at him.

"Get to sleep, we can continue this incredible conversation when you're sober. Goodnight my love. " He placed a kiss on her cheek, before leaving the room.

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