Chapter 4

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A small smirk made its way onto Sylvia's face which only grew when she saw the circle's shocked faces. For mafia members they didn't know how to conceal their emotions.

"I want you to help me bring down someone powerful. " She stated confidently.

"Who might that someone be?"

"Theodore Devlian. " The name of the vicious man left her mouth in distaste. The sole reason that she'd attended the gala was him. She knew who he was, the man that ruined her life. The reason she was into this business to begin with.

"Ah! Silly me thought you had no idea who the gentleman was at the gala. However, I don't think his God awful flirting is a reason for a vendetta. " Lucio whispered, slowly walking towards her. From the whimsical tone in his voice, she knew he'd realised that the flirting wasn't the problem. He was playing with her.

"Let's just say, I hold grudges." He chuckled again with her response. He walked behind her, placing his hand at her shoulder.

"What's in it for me?" He whispered into her ear. She roughly turned around looking into his eyes.

"You take over every single one of his businesses, I want absolutely nothing more than his dead body. Anything he owns is yours. Every club, brothel and company. " She whispered back in the same tone. If he wanted to play games with her, he should also expect a capable opponent.

"That sounds perfect to me. Nevertheless I never take the streets' word for anything, meaning I can't take their word for you either. Keeping a close eye on my partner is my main priority. I believe we have a spare room in my mansion for you. When our little conversation is over one of my friends will drive with you to take your stuff. " In a swift movement her gun was out and pointed at his head.

"Do you think this is a game?"

"No darling, not at all. I just enjoy your magnificent presence a little too much." He calmly replied, his signature smirk plastered on his face and Sylvia wanted nothing more than to slap it off of him.

"If I live with you, I'll stab you in your sleep, darling. " She spat back, accentuating the word of endearment he'd used many a time.

"And I'll be absolutely looking forward to that. " He winked at her. Before she could curse at him, they heard a throat being cleared.

Both of them looked back at the room, having completely forgotten about the other people there. Giovanni stood up and walked towards the couple hugging Sylvia. She just patted his back, not being used to hugs.

"Welcome to the family, Syl." Giovanni happily said, making Sylvia cringe at the word family. The other man introduced himself as well. Liliana just stood at the bar sipping on her cocktail. The men left, leaving the two females alone, since Liliana was to escort Sylvia to her apartment to get clothes.

"I don't trust you. " Liliana merely said, tapping her fingers to the counter.

"And I don't care. Now can you please stop sucking that straw like it's a dick and stand up? I have to get my stuff. "

"By the tone of your voice and the fact that you pathetically tried to insult me, I'd say you care. "

"I just don't appreciate people questioning me and my motives. " Liliana smiled at Sylvia, taking her by surprise.

"Shall we? " The redhead asked, standing up, still with a small smile on her face.

The ride from the club to Sylvia's apartment was short and uneventful. She gathered all her stuff, from her clothes to her notes into any bag she could find. Once she was done, Liliana was sat at the passenger's seat at Sylvia's car, giving her directions. Their house was outside the city in an almost remote area. The car came to a stop and Sylvia's eyes widened. It truly was a mansion, this house was huge.

"Have you never seen a mansion before?" Liliana joked. Sylvia ignored her as she got out of the car. She started taking bags, trying to carry as many as possible. Liliana took one of the bags from Sylvia's arms, stumbling a little when she picked it up.

"Perché cazzo è così pesante? (Why the fuck is it so heavy?) " She mumbled, making Sylvia laugh.

"Do you speak Italian?" Liliana asked a little shocked, Sylvia reacted to her comment.

"I am Italian babe, of course I do." Sylvia answered back with a small smirk. "I actually felt flattered when you called me a stripper. They have such incredible bodies it's a compliment. "

"Aspetta un minuto (Hold up a minute). Your name is Sylvia, you're Italian and you somehow met Lucio. You're Sylvia Amaretti." Liliana whispered the last part, slowly realising who the woman was.

"Didn't take a genius to find out." Sylvia answered with a sarcastic smile.

"Why are you guys still standing there? " They heard Giovanni yelling. Liliana didn't say a word as she started walking inside the mansion. She showed Sylvia to her room, leaving her alone to get settled. Sylvia unpacked her bags, hiding her weapons everywhere in the room.

Though the room was lavish, the bright colours weren't to her liking exactly. Nonetheless, she didn't intend on staying here for long, she just had to ignore all the pastels that surrounded her. She took off her clothes, getting into some comfortable ones and laying on the bed. Soon enough sleep consumed her.

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