Chapter 30

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"I love you Sylvia." Lucio said, taking her hand in his own.

"I love you too." She replied, squeezing his hand.

"We're ready." Giovanni yelled at them. They stared at each other smiling.

They were driving to Theodore's house, they were going to end this once and for all. She'd have her revenge for what he'd done to her. The cars came to a stop, almost sixty men, armed to the bone. The whole inner circle were the first in line.

"Time to kill some people." Sylvia said with a smirk.

"Let's slaughter them." Liliana replied.

"Remember guys an hour is all we have before the bombs go off. We meet here in exactly forty minutes." Lucio yelled out, making sure everyone heard.

They started surrounding the house, each team taking an entrance. The instructions were simple no one shall come out this house alive. Sylvia and Lucio were walking to the back door, guns in their hands, their men trailing behind them.

A guard came in view, who Sylvia immediately shot in the head. She winked at Lucio and he rolled his eyes. All their guns had silencers, wanting the element of surprise. Orders also said, shoot everyone in the head. Lucio pushed the door open, revealing a kitchen. Five guards were sat the table, playing cards.

"Game over." She whispered, shooting two of them down, Lucio the other two. She walked towards the fifth one. He tried to punch her but she caught his hand. Kicking his stomach and then his knees, making him fall down. She pressed her gun to his temple.

"Do you know a guy named Jason?" She threatened, pressing her gun harder.

"Fuck you." He barked back. Sylvia shrugged, pulling the trigger.

"Lucio you made sure to tell everyone not to kill him right?" She asked.

"Of course darling, calm down." He replied, kissing her cheek.

"Sylvia and I are going upstairs, make sure that everyone is dead here and in the basement. " Lucio ordered, a bunch of yes boss were heard.

The two walked out the kitchen, finding the staircase. Corpses were already covering the first floor. A guard jumped on Lucio. Lucio punched him and shot him, blood splattering on his face.

"You look sexy." Sylvia whispered, as they continued walking, trying to find Theodore.

Suddenly, the hallway filled with light. Theodore stood outside a room, in his robes holding Jason at gunpoint.

"Ah I was wondering when Bonnie and Clyde would show up." He smiled, however his voice filled with venom.

"Now come on, unless you want me to shoot your little friend." He gestured for them to walk to the room behind him. He walked in as well, closing the door afterwards.

"Lucio did you enjoy the little makeover I gave her? I quite enjoyed erasing your name from her skin." Lucio pointed his gun at him, but Theodore just held Jason tighter.

"Kill him Sylvia. Kill him." Jason breathed out.

"I promised to get you out and I will." She replied, returning her gaze to Theodore.

"Either we kill you or you die from the explosion, your choice." She threatened pointing her gun at Theodore as well.

"I loved you Sylvia and you chose him. You worthless slut." His voice filled with venom.

"Thank God I killed your parents, they don't have to see what a little abomination you became. I hope Lucio enjoyed fucking you after I made you scream. I enjoyed your crying, screaming and suffering, the way I killed your child while raping you. That was my favorite part." Tears formed in Sylvia's eyes her hands shaking.

"You didn't kill any child of mine, you filthy liar."

"Then why were you bleeding?" Theodore Devlian was laughing, tears were spilling from Sylvia's eyes, hoping that what he was saying wasn't true.

"I was bleeding because you raped me and my body gave up, I wasn't pregnant."

"Are you so sure about that?" Sylvia could feel her heart breaking, a shot was fired followed by another one.

Lucio was misty-eyed watching Theodore fall to the ground, still holding Jason. Sylvia rushed to them, kicking the gun off Theodore's hand.

"I'll keep you alive Theodore and then I'll torture you till you beg me to kill you." Lucio's voice was deadly.

Sylvia put her hands over Jason's wound trying to apply pressure. When Lucio shot Theodore, he shot Jason's stomach. A smile decorated Jason's lips.

"I'm glad I met you, Sylvia. Nonetheless, let me die, this is my redemption. Death is my penalty for knowing what they did to you and doing nothing. May God forgive me. " He smiled and Sylvia stroked his cheek.

"You saved me Jason, you did. You did something good, if it weren't for you I'd still be in here." She replied.

"My sister's name is Aristea Trevolti find her please and take care of her for me, I beg you." Blood started spilling from his mouth, Sylvia nodded, kissing his forehead.

"Sh, relax Jason it's almost over. I'll see you on the other side." She was stroking his hair, her tears falling freely as the man took his last breath.

Her eyes landed on Lucio, a weak smile on her face. She checked the clock, the bombs were going off in ten minutes. Her eyes widened.

"Lucio we have to go." She screamed grabbing his hand. Lucio picked up Theodore's unconscious body, throwing it over his shoulder.

The two kept running, until they were finally outside. He threw Theodore's body on the street, grabbing Sylvia and kissing her. Kissing her as the bombs went off, kissing her as the rest of the world got on fire. Kissing her because only she mattered.

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