Chapter 8

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Sylvia's eyes flattered open. She was back into her room in the mansion, still in her dress from last night. Her stomach stirred remembering what she'd found out. She shook her head and looked to her side.

Seeing Lucio asleep on a chair next to her bed. He was shirtless, he was covered with tattoos from his neck to the his hip. She smiled when she saw a little saliva coming out from the side of his mouth. He looked so peaceful, so un-Don like. She realised how bad she must smell due to all the throwing up.

She walked to the room's bathroom taking off her stinking dress. She felt the warm water hitting her skin, felt the water rinsing her dread and fear. Yesterday she was scared, she hadn't been scared in a long time. She washed her hair and rubbed her skin till it was red.

She wrapped a towel around herself, walking out of the bathroom. She looked at the chair to find Lucio gone. She shrugged getting dressed and walking to the kitchen. After yesterday's throwing up, her stomach was completely empty. In the kitchen she only found Liliana. Liliana run towards her, giving Sylvia a bone crashing hug and Sylvia found herself hugging her back.

"I thought you'd died or something." Liliana growled, not pulling away from the hug. Sylvia realised that she hadn't enjoyed or needed a hug this much in quite some time. Liliana finally pulled away, taking a look at Sylvia.

"You look like shit, before you tell me exactly what happened, you need to eat." Her tone was demanding, however it was true. Sylvia really needed some food. Liliana passed her a bag full of pastries as she poured coffee for both of them. Sylvia ravished through all the food, until her stomach was finally full.

"What do you know?" Sylvia asked.

"I know that you saw something on the second floor that made you sick. I saw Lucio carry you out and Giovanni told me you threw up and passed out. Lucio brought you home, punched a few walls -as usual- and didn't let anyone of us into the room. I think that's about it." Liliana answered, a small shrug at the end.

"Why punch a wall?" She asked confused.

"Men are idiots. This one in particular is a Neatredal that doesn't know how to control his emotions." The redhead took another sip of her coffee preparing to speak once again. "You're stalling, meaning you're not going to tell me what happened which is alright, I'm the one that questioned your motives first. But you don't seem as awful as I expected, therefore I don't like seeing your mood this bad. I know I'm blabbing right now, I just don't have many girl friends. Ah fuck it. I'm dying my hair today, by myself, I know your color isn't natural either, would you like to, you know, do it together?"

Sylvia couldn't hold down the huge laugh that escaped her mouth. Liliana's face had turned the same color as her hair. Her attempt at asking her to spend time together was more pathetic than her own.

"A demon has possessed Sylvia and Liliana. One of them is laughing and the other is blushing. Antonio get the fucking crucifix. " Giovanni yelled at the top of his lungs. Both women turned around and glared at him. Antonio came in running, holding a crucifix on one hand and a picture of Jesus on the other.

"What happened? I only heard that someone's possessed." Antonio exclaimed when he entered.

"Non è successo niente. Giovanni è solo un idiota senza cervello. (Nothing happened. Giovanni is just a brainless idiot.) " Liliana said sighing. Lucio came in as well stopping in his tracks when he saw Sylvia at the table with a smile on her face.

She turned around, staring at him. There was no more drool on his mouth and he was back to his usual attire. She stood up, looking into his eyes, her smile still in place. He took long steps towards her, pulling her into his chest. She placed her head on his chest as he held her closely.

"Grazie Dio (Thank God) you're okay. " He whispered, mostly to himself not expecting her to hear.

"Of course I'm okay, I just threw up." She whispered back. He pulled away, grabbing her face roughly.

"You threw up and you fucking passed out because of something you saw in that motherfucker's house. So shut up and let me be relieved you're on your feet and smiling." He basically yelled at her.

"Your concern is appreciated but don't raise your fucking voice at me." Her voice was also now raised. He took a step back, running a hand through his hair.

"Look, sorry for yelling but you can't treat yesterday like it was nothing."

"I don't treat it like it's nothing, I just don't want to deal with it right this instant, okay? "

"Okay." He said quietly.  "What the hell are you guys looking at? Don't you all have jobs to do?" Lucio asked his friends, clapping his hands together as Antonio and Giovanni rushed out of the room. When he saw Liliana still sitting he raised a brow.

"Sorry boss. I have a very important business meeting I have to attend with Sylvia. " She argued trying to sound convincing. Lucio nodded pretending to believe her. He turned around, ready to walk out before he spoke one last time.

"Enjoy dying your hair girls."

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