Chapter 15

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Sylvia woke up alone in Lucio's bed. She rolled her eyes, she'd need to talk to him about living her alone in his bed. She stretched her sore limbs, getting ready to stand up.

"Motherfucker." She cursed, feeling her wobbly knees. She shook her head, taking another step. After a lot of cursing she managed to get to the shower. When she was out of the shower, she realised she had neither underwear nor any clothes in this room. Too bored to go to her room -which was next door- she grabbed a pair of Lucio's boxers and one of his black shirts.

She walked down the stairs, her wet hair sticking at her back. Not noticing where she was going, she crashed into someone's back.

"Watch where you're fucking... " Lucio stopped mid-sentence once he saw Sylvia was the one that bumped into him. She smacked the back of his head, raising an eyebrow.

"First of all watch your language. Secondly why the fuck did you leave me alone in your bed? Do you want your nose broken? Because it looks like you're asking for it. " She crossed her arms, waiting for his response. He kissed wrapping his arms around her.

"I left you alone because I made you a promise yesterday. " She gave him a confused look not remembering what he'd promised her. He picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She started hitting his arm, but he only slapped her ass and started walking. He let her back to her feet once they were in the living room.

"Lucio if you ever do that again quindi aiutami Dio ti ucciderò nel sonno. (so help me God I'll murder you in your sleep.)" She threatened making him flash a dashing smile.

"Turn around darling." He told her. She turned around, they were in the living room and right across from Lucio's usual armchair were huge fabric pieces hanging from the ceiling.

"You meant it?!" She yelled out.

"I mean everything I tell you darling, I'll be waiting for my demonstration." He winked at her. She run towards the fabrics, her hand caressing them. She pulled them down, making sure they was stable.

A huge smile was on her face as she looked back at Lucio. He made her previously dead heart blossom like a flower in spring. She walked towards him, jumping on him. She pecked his lips, a smile on his face as well.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked.

"I'm smiling because you look happy. I'm smiling because you're here with me and I'm smiling because you're the only woman that has ever made me feel this way." Their foreheads were connected, both smiling.

"When did this become a whorehouse?" They heard Giovanni yelling, ruining their moment. Lucio let Sylvia down, his hand wrapping around her waist, as always.

"Where's your chaperone?" Sylvia asked.

"I don't have a chaperone munchkin. As much as I'm enjoying our pointless conversation, I was searching for you for a reason. The guy that will give us information about Theodore will come by tomorrow. Our tech guys found as much intel on him as they could. However, there wasn't much which was pretty suspicious."

"And you decided to give our address to a guy you knew nothing about just because he said he had information? Are you really that much of an idiot? Have you learned nothing from all the years you've been working in the mafia?" Lucio yelled angrily.

"We've went to two events searching for information Lucio and we have nothing yet. What the fuck did you expect me to do? He was the only one offering information and I instantly took the chance." Giovanni screamed back.

"Non alzare la voce con me. Sei tu quello che ha fatto una cazzata e io sono ancora il tuo capo, abbi rispetto. (Don't raise your voice at me. You're the one who fucked up and I'm still your boss, have respect.)"

"I came and told you yesterday at the club what I did and you had no objection.  Respect goes both ways. "  Both of the men were yelling and pointing fingers at each other.

"Both of you shut the fuck up. Sit your asses down and we'll figure out what to do, if I hear one of you yelling again, I'll show you how I got my name on the streets." Sylvia yelled, tired of their pointless fighting. To her surprise they sat on one of the couches. She expected more of a fight.

"What's done is done. Giovanni give me the file with the information." Giovanni gave her the cream coloured file. She studied the information, the guy was indeed sketchy. She had no idea who this person was, until she looked at the picture.

"You fucking idiot." She mumbled under her breath, rubbing her temples.

"Do you have any idea who this guy is Gio?" She asked calmly, composing herself. A look of guilt covered his face, she showed Lucio the image, but he looked confused as well.

"He's an assassin you idiots. You're the Italian Mafia you're supposed to know who is out to murder you. They know you, I knew you and he for sure knows you as well. People are paying hefty money for the Don's head or even his underboss'. He's coming here to kill one of you, no let me rephrase, one of us." Lucio rubbed his face and Giovanni looked ready to cry.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do now?" Giovanni asked irritated at himself. Lucio looked at Sylvia who now had a wicked smirk on her face.

"We're going to welcome our friend with open arms."

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