Chapter 21

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The young woman felt her eyelids heavy as she opened them. Her head was like a brick wall, she couldn't remember anything of how she ended up in this room. Her clothes were tore off and she was only in her underwear.

She tried to move her hands, but heavy chains were holding them together. Her legs were also restrained. Panic started taking over her body, knowing she couldn't move.

"You're finally awake." She knew that voice, she closed her eyes, thinking it was nightmare.

"Oh come on Sylvia I'm not that ugly." Sylvia opened her eyes, watching Theodore Devlian stare into her with those disgusting blue eyes.

"Why am I here?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Because we are finally going to be together, after all those years." He was smiling, she was his prey.

"Lucio will come for me and he'll take out your organs with his teeth."

"I already took care of that. Though he had a very dramatic reaction when I informed him of your death. He burned down two of my businesses and shot up my main house." He was walking back and forth, his hands behind his back.

Lucio thought she was dead, that meant that he wasn't coming for her. She was all alone in the paws of the man she loathed.

"Why do you look so angry? We'll at last be together for eternity Sylvia." He was beaming with joy and Sylvia just wanted to throw up.

"You murdered my parents and took me away from Lucio." She whispered, trying to calm down her stirring stomach as he came closer to her.

"Don't you get it? I did it all for us. Your parents would never let us be together and Lucio didn't love you like I do."

"You're fucking sick." She angrily yelled, spitting at the man's face.

"I'm afraid things are worse than I expected, they have taken away all your manners sweetheart. It's okay, it's okay, I'll fix you." He said, stroking her hair, not bothering to wipe her spit from his face.

"We need to get you all dolled up. " He whistled and three men came in.

They walked to her bed. When one of them grabbed her arms, she struggled, trying to be rid of his grip. Another one grabbed her legs holding her down. Finally the third one got a white pill out of his pocket, shoving it into her mouth. His fingers pushed it down her throat forcing her to swallow it.

It took her a moment to realise what was happening to her. Her limbs started feeling numb, she couldn't move anything. She could feel their hands leaving her body, but she couldn't even move her tongue. The three men left leaving her alone with Theodore again.

He walked towards her, holding a knife in his hand, a cigarette on his lips. He studied her body, now a breath away from her. Tears pulled in her eyes, spilling uncontrollably.

"Don't cry, I'll make you a beautiful lady. But first we need to get rid of those drawings on your perfect skin."

He pulled the cigarette out of his lips. She felt the impact of it on her collar bone, where Lucio's name laid. She wanted to scream in pain, feeling him burning her tender skin, but she couldn't. All she could do was feel her hot tears that fell like a waterfall.

Once he had covered all the tattoo with his burns, he gently turned her body around. She felt the knife digging into her skin, over her back tattoo. Her blood was staining her bedsheets. She felt him making lines on her tattoo, deep into her skin. She wanted to scream, she wanted to scream so bad, the pain was unbearable.

His hands finally left her body, turning her back around. She couldn't do anything, her body ached, her blood and tears were spilling like a river.

"Shush it's okay you'll be perfect soon, you'll be absolutely perfect, my princess." He stroked her hair again, before leaving the room.

Sylvia didn't know how much time passed, till the drug they'd given her wore off. When it did, she screamed, she screamed louder than she ever had. Her hand reached for her aching back, full of dried blood and then Lucio's name that was covered by new burn marks.

Her screams didn't quiet down, when she started crying. She didn't know what else to do, her fate had been sealed. Hearing her screams a man came into the room.

"What the actual fuck?" He whispered noticing her state. The man rushed to the bed.

"Jesus Christ, can you speak?" He whispered to her.

"Help me please." She only managed to say, she was absolutely helpless. A paid assassin was laying helpless, chained to a bed.

"These people are sick, you're a human. I'm getting you out of this cursed place, God forgive me." He told her, holding her hand. The man's voice was the last thing she heard before her vision became dark.

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