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Nini's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, which was one of my favorite songs, Lorde's "A World Alone," from Pure Heroine, but I let it play and start to sing along. I wish I could really sing this in front of everybody, but I can't, I always get so nervous in front of huge crowds, but I smile formed on my face as a new day started.

I get out of my bed and look at all the pictures above my bed. I would always take pictures and hang them above my bed, there were pictures of me, E.J., Ashlyn, Kourt, Carlos, and Seb, I was hoping to add Gina up there sometime, she seemed really sweet and kind, I really wanna get to know more about her.

Ricky was up there too, of course, just not as much as anyone else. He kinda stopped taking pictures a while ago, but I miss that. Taking pictures when him when we were kids and when we were done, I'd run my hands through his brown, adorable, curly hair. I don't know what he's going through, but I hope he's okay.

I look in my closet and grab my favorite white and turquoise jacket with pink and red flowers and my light brown shoes, and jump into the shower then change my clothes. When I'm finished, I look at my song journal. I haven't come up with any songs in a while, but maybe I can think of something. So I grab it and rush out of my room.

I want downstairs to see my Mamma C, Mamma D, and my Grandma Malou, the best people in my life, the people who encouraged my love for music. "Her Mamma C, Mamma D, Granny" I walk over to them and kiss their forehead. "Hey sweetie" Grandma Malou smiled. Mamma D got out of her chair and handed me my bowl of Cereal and I sat down with them.

After I finish eating, I pack up all my stuff, ready to walk to school. "Do you want me to drive you?" Mamma C asked, but I respectively shake my head, she doesn't have to drive, I already take up her time messing with her.

"No, I told Kourtney I'd meet up with her, bye guys."

I walk out of the house and make my way to Kortney's house, I take out my phone to call her, saying that I'm on my way. I'm kinda hoping to hang with Gina, we kinda got off on the right foot and she seems really interesting.


Gina's POV

I heard my alarm clock, but I decided to just spend a few more seconds in bed before shutting it off and sitting up. I look around my room trying to get back into my proper mindset, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I remember the text my mom sent during school 2 days ago.

Just got a text from F.E.M.A., were gonna be here for a while

She may have said it, but I didn't believe it, we'd always moved, and I just told myself to hide behind my walls and just stay on the run, and I'm gonna stick by it, no matter what, I just can't be heartbroken cause I'm moving, not again.

Even if I did, my mind still trailed back to the group of friends I met on my first day. Nini, E.J., Kourtney, Ashlyn, Carlos, Seb, and Ricky. They all seemed really nice and sweet, well, kinda. Ricky seemed kinda different like he's not as happy and cheerful as they are, like Nini, she was sweet to let me join her, and she was kind enough to let me into her gang, and everyone accepted me.

I shake my head out of my thoughts and look at the time, I should start getting dressed. As I'm about to get out, I turn off my phone and put my headphones in, starting my music. (Her music is First Class from Shook, I really wanted to add this one) As the music starts, my feet slide swiftly across the floor.

I remember when Jamie and would always dance to this song, and many others, sometimes he would even pick me up and spin me around, I really miss him. I wish h was still around. I miss his witty jokes, how he would hold me and comb his hands through my hair if I was sad, sing me special songs on my birthday, I wanna reach out to him, but he left, and that sort makes me think he doesn't want anything to do with me. I was somehow able to convince myself that I was the reason he left, but it's the only reason out there, so I guess it's true.

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