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Ricky's POV

I wake up and put on my one of my favorite striped hoodie, I think that's the only thing I owned that had actual light colors. I take out my phone and look at the time, I have a few more minutes before I should go.

I think about what EJ's Uncle Dennis said, how I have psionics powers and can move things with my mand. I hold out my hands and focus on my black vans, so far it's not working. "Come on" I grunt, I try to concentrate more, and finally I feel that same gold energy in my irises, making them glow, apparantly that's the brown color in my eye and not the black dot, I did my research.

Then that same gold vapor and energy starts to form in my hands, and I see my Vans floating towards me, not gonna lie, this is really cool! I grab my vans and put them on, I take my phone and try to call EJ. He tried to call me last night, but I was asleep. I try to call him, but he didn't answer, I just got his voicemail. I try 2 more times, but still nothing. I'll talk to him when I get to school.

As I'm about to go, I pull up my sleeve and look at my healed scars. I had a lot of mistakes and regrets in life, but one of my worst mistakes was having a razor paint the story of a poor teenage boy, and I used my skin as a canvas. No one knows about it, except for EJ, I didn't even plan on telling him. He noticed one day the long sleeve stained my hoddie and just to my arm and lifted up my sleeve, and for some reason, I didn't stop him. The way his jaw dropped and his face went pale haunts me. I told him I'd never do it again, but as usual, I break that promise.

No one can fix you

You're a burden to everyone around you

Everyone will be happy when you're gone

Just do it

Grab the Razor


"Stop! Stop!" I groan, holding my head in pain. They're back. The voices came back and I don't have dad, Miss Jenn, or anyone to help me through it or make them go away. I need help, I can't go through this any longer. "No one...cares about me?" I mumble to myself.

Yes! They just wanna be good friends, they want nothing to do with you, you make everyone's life miserable.

Maybe they're right, nobody cares about me. I walk into my bathroom and dig in my drawer, I grab my razor and press it against my arm, ready to slit my arm, but then something stops me. EJ, Nini, Gina, Big Red. They said they'll be there for me...were they just trying to be nice and didn't mean it? Or did they really mean?

No! They don't care about you, they're just pretending. No one likes you, just do it. Kill yourself, everyone will be happy.

No! I shouldn't. Maybe no one cares about me, but that's not worth dying for. I don't need anyone, I'll power through it, like I always do! I try my best to ignore the voices in my head and walk out, no matter how loud they gey. I have to talk to EJ, just to see what happened.

I make it to school and walk up to Nini and Gina. "Guys, have-" I was about to start, but Nini interrupted me.

"Hey, have you heard from EJ? He tried to call us last night, but we were asleep. We tried calling him this morning, but nothing."

"Actually, I was coming to ask you the same thing."

"Oh, there he is!" Gina points behind her, we all look to see EJ walking down the halls, for some reason hiding his hand in his sleeve. "EJ!" Nini calls, he turns around and we walk up to him. Not that I had a good look at him, his face was red, his eyes seem puffy, he had a few tear stains on his face. Was he crying?

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