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Ricky's POV

I was walking down the halls of school thinking about what just happened at my house. I just moved my bag with my mind, and when I wanted Franklin, I saw him floating in the air, and my eyes were glowing gold, not to mention my hand, bag, and bear were surrounded by a gold vapor that somehow came from me. It's like in the movies or Wanda Maximoff with golden powers instead of red powers. How was I even able to do that?

I wanna talk to someone about this, but someone will probably think I'm a freak, or call the police. They'll either call someone and think I'm a freak or call someone to lock me up, I was already threatened by that, by my mother.

I was so caught in my thoughts, I wasn't looking where I was heading, I bumped into a boy and we both dropped our things. I looked at the boy I ran into, he grabbed his stuff, his hands shaking and before I could say anything, he scuttered away. I wanted to apologize to him, but it was already too late. Of course, I'm the most feared boy at East High.

Ricky Bowen: The boy everyone fears, but no one knew for real.

I didn't want to be the scary boy, but I guess it came for me. I didn't look where I was going and I run into Jack.

"Hey, Ricky, you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm good. Just lost."

"Yeah, the school is pretty big, I somehow got lost 3 times."

I slightly chuckle at his remark, I mean this in the nicest possible way, but this guy seems really clueless, but he's kinda cool. Kinda! Not really! Well...maybe?

"Um, I mean lost in thought" I tilt my head on the locker. He then raises his eyebrows and says oh, I jokingly roll my eyes at him. Like I said, clueless. "Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked, taking me by surprise. No one's really asked me what happens in my life other than my friends, but it might be kinda nice.

"Well, it's weird. It would seem like it was a dream, but it felt so real. I'm actually thinking it was real. Maybe. I don't know."

"Well, tell me what happened."

"Oh, okay. I was looking in the mirror. Then suddenly my eyes started to glow a dark gold. Then I looked behind me to see my tedd...uh, my guitar floating in the air, surrounded by this weird gold vapor. What's weirder is my hand started glowing too, then I lunged out my hand and that energy reached my bag. Then my bag started to float and it moved to my hand. Like I moved both of them with my mind."

Jack looked at me puzzled, he probably thinks I'm crazy, maybe I should've caught it to myself. He played with the collar of his jeans jacket figuring out what to say.

"Well...dreams can really seem like they're real, and I don't blame you cause there used to be heroes all over the world. But we just gotta remember that they're fake. If it makes you feel better, I had this weird dream when I was a kid, I had Cryokinesis."

I look at him with confusion. What the heck is Cryokinesis?

"Oh, Rick...ice powers."

"Oh," I say. "Thanks, Jack, I really needed that, I really thought I was going crazy." I gently punched his shoulder.

"What are friends for...we are friends, right?"

"Um...yeah, we are," I say. Weird, I was never one to really warm up to someone, but when it came to Gina and Jack, I didn't know. We hear the bell ring meaning it's time for class.

"See ya later, Richard!" He jokes, he didn't even know that was my name. Okay, he wants to joke around.

"Bye, Jackson" I smirk. I wasn't sure if Jackson was his real name, but he called me Richard. Just guessing.

We both share a fist bump and walk our separate ways. All right, Jackson, you might be alright.


Gina's POV

"Hey, you," I say as I catch up to Ricky, we both walk to the door of our history class. I don't really pay attention to history, so sometimes when we have any test, I look up all the answers and cram it in my head overnight.

"Gina, hey," he says. "Hey, did anything weird happen to you this morning? Cause what happened to me...I'm still trying to convince myself it's just a dream."

It's weird, I only really talk to my old friends about my problems, but when it comes to Nini, Ricky, or EJ, I can just talk about how I feel about what happens.  I don't have to be that tough girl who closes herself off just so she won't be heartbroken.

I can be a girl with a fresh new start, a new girl with new friends.  I can be my true self around the three of them, like their connection to me somehow, like I'm growing close to them, in more ways than one.  I'm explaining it the best I can here, but I just don't how to dig further into this feeling right now.

"Actually, yes, wanna talk about it later?"


We both walk into the room and take our seats across from Nini and EJ, they both seem off, like something's messing with her. "Hey, you okay?" I ask, tapping Nini's hand. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "Yeah, I'm good...it's just...something strange happened this morning," she tells me. Okay, first me, then Ricky, now Nini, who's next, EJ?

"Now, you will be working groups of 4 to work on your project. I want you to talk about something from the past, it can be anything you agree on, and you can present it in any way you please. Essay, board, PowerPoint, video, anything."

"Um...you yous wanna be a group?" I ask, getting their attention.




I try to hide back my smile, but I can't. I'm actually kinda excited to team up with my group of friends, maybe I can talk to Ricky and Nini about what happened to them this morning. Maybe it's familiar to the same thing that happened to me, and if we're lucky, maybe the same thing happened to EJ.

Another chapter. So now the 4 are thinking of their powers, if the next chapter goes the way I hope it will go, there will be a big surprise that might a certain someone's life, or it will happen in the next chapter. So not gonna lie, I know I said none of the main 4 would get together, but I'm kinda changing my mind on that thought, cause I thought about all the other couples, so I want a particular one couple might get together by the end of this book, so I'm gonna try to fit it in. Stay safe and have a great day or night wherever you are.

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