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"Is it magic or power?"

"Well, I have magic and you have powers, it's kinda hard to explain, heh."

"Ya think?"

"What do you think?"

"I think he should have a normal life."

I shoot up feeling pain all over my body.  I open my eyes and move on the bed...wait, this isn't my bed, I'm in a hospital bed, I'm in the hospital.  The last thing I remember was being caught in the explosion with...my friends?  Where are Ricky, Nini, and Gina!?!?  Are they okay??  Please let them be ok!!

"EJ, you alive!"

I look to my side and see Ashyln sitting next to me.  She stands up and I sit up.  She gives me a big hug and I hold her close.  I bury my head in her shoulder trying to fight back tears.  I really hope my friends are okay. 

"What happened?"  I look down at my skin, there are red marks, some bruises, and a few scars, but it doesn't really hurt, guess cause I was unconscious when they formed.

"Well, the rest of us were able to get out, but we all stopped outside.  The explosion sent us all flying.  We were all fine, but we found you, Ricky, Nini, and Gina in all the rumble.  We were able to get you all out before the building could completely crush you all."

"Where are the others?"  I ask, my voice rising with concern, they could be seriously injured, and it's all my fault. 

"They're fine, they got out a few days after the explosion, but..." she trails off, my heart begins to race and I start to sweat.  "But what?"

She sits down next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder, her eyes get glossy.

"EJ.  You were dead.  For a while. Everyone thought you died."

My heart stops, my breath becomes heavier and my hands start to shake.  I've been died for weeks?  What is wrong with me?  Why wouldn't I wake up at the same time as everyone else?  Great, another reason that EJ Caswell is a freak, a monster, some alien...just an irregular.

I feel angry, upset, frustrated...I feel everything bad.  I feel salty tears fall from my eyes and I ball my face.

"Hey EJ, it's okay" Ashlyn opens her arms and I lean into her chest.  She rubs my back and tries to calm me down.  After a while, my tears stop, my breathing goes back to normal and I pull away.

"I'll go tell Uncle Dennis, Aunt Debby, and Asher your awake.  If you want we can have a little get-together with the others later tomorrow, only if you want to."

"Yeah, yeah, that'd be nice" I smile t her.  She walks out, but I'm still shaken, I've been dead for 4 weeks?  I mean, I guess I should be grateful, at least it wasn't a 9 month coma like Barry Allen.

I reach for my phone which weirdly wasn't broken.  I'm about to press the button but I take a while to look at my reflection.  I had a weird red steak in my hair. I mean, it looked cool, but it was still weird. My eyes, they weren't their bluish-green color, instead, they were...glowing with red electricity?  Like the electricity in my dreams?  The weird thing is I can feel in my eyes too.

What's going on?  Oh, I get it...it's just another one of those nightmares.  I'm not about to have that kinda pain right after I wake up after 4 weeks.  I shut my eyes and count to 3.


It's okay.


Your gonna be fine.

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