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Gina's POV

We were in first period, I was paying attention I kept stealing glances at EJ, he looks so lost.  Something in his head was bothering him, probably to his core.  Unfortunately, I was the only one at the table who noticed.  Did something happen to him this morning?  Is he still thinking about it?  Cause he really looks like he's in shock.  Maybe I'll talk to him after.

I stare at the clock waiting for 10:25, then we can leave.  The teacher wasn't even teaching anything, she was just spending the last few minutes talking about the projects.  I look ahead of me and see Ricky, his head under his hoodie, his head resting in his hands, eyes fluttering open trying to stay awake, I was surprised he stayed alive for so long.


The whole class got up, packed them, and walked out.  "Projects are due in 2 weeks!" The teacher says.  I pack my stuff and tap a sleeping Ricky's shoulder, his head jumps up and for some reason says "I wasn't sleeping, you were talking about the stupid projects!"

"Yeah, I'm not your teacher" I chuckle at him, pushing some curls out of his face, he quickly turns his head away so I'll stop, but I just giggle.  "But come on before the teacher actually ask you what we learned today" I help him pack his stuff and we both walk out of the class.

We walk out to see Nini and EJ talking.  "Hey guys, so you guys wanna work on the project after school?"  Nini asked.  I give Ricky a look and we both nod our heads.  "Cool, we can do it at my place" EJ volunteers.  I'm good with that.  I think I still remember the address Nini sent me for when Ricky got jumped.

"Okay, it's a plan," Ricky says.  "See ya," EJ says, and he and Ricky walk off.  I look at Nini with confusion, she looks a little sad.  I wonder why.

"Hey, you okay?"  I ask, rubbing her shoulder.  She looks over at me before explaining.  "It's EJ, he's been acting weird ever since that get-together at Slices.  I think I heard him crying in the bathroom. When I asked him why, he said he felt awful that we were caught in that explosion and he blames himself, and I do believe he feels really bad, but now I feel like there's something more than that."

I feel my heart swell. I don't even know EJ that well, but still, the thought of him being upset or him crying makes me...sad? We both look at EJ, who's talking to Ricky, they're both at the end of the hall, and it's a long hall.

"Uh, don't worry, I'll talk to him. Hey, about the weird thing that happened to you this morning?"


"Ricky said something weird happened to him this morning too. If you guys want, maybe we can talk about it later."

She looks at me shocked, maybe I shouldn't have asked, I should've known my boundaries and I crossed them. "Sorry, I probably made you uncomfortable..."

"No, Gina, it's okay, I actually could talk to someone about it" she smiles at me and I smile right back. "K, so...see you at EJ's?"

"Got it."

She walks away thanking me for saying I'll talk to EJ for her. I was thinking of waiting till after school to talk to EJ, but for some reason, it seems urgent and like it can't wait. I take out my phone and text him, even though he's right at the end of the hall, I'm not about to walk all the way over there.

  I take out my phone and text him, even though he's right at the end of the hall, I'm not about to walk all the way over there

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