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When the scaffolding starts to break, I grab Nini's arm so she doesn't fall, but I couldn't grab Gina.

"EJ! LOOK!" Nini says, and I look to my side, my heart stops.

When I heard Gina scream and saw her fall over the edge, I didn't even think or care about the cuffs around my arms, I just ran over and jump over the edge, I didn't even think about me or Nini until I jumped.

I tried to catch her, but I was too slow, she was going too fast.

I can't lose her! Not again! I just got her back! As I get scared and nervous that Gina might die because of me, I see my cuffs sparkling and then it breaks. How did I do that? I didn't know I could? Break a power-dampening cuff...using my powers?

I feel the electricity burning my eyes, I can survive the fall with my super-strength, but more importantly, I can save Gina. I quickly throw out my hands and create a bubble around her. As she falls to the ground, the bubble protects her, while my body creates a massive dent into the street.

"Gigi!" I frantically get up and run towards her, the pain in my body quickly going away. Thank goodness, my force field protected her. I quickly wrap my arms around her and she quickly hugs me back. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? You really scared me!" I say, kissing her forehead.

"I'm fi-wait! Where's Nini?!?!" She asks.

Oh, I totally forgot about Nini, she may not be okay! We look around for Nini until I hear Gina scream.

I run over to her and tears flow down my eyes, Nini's arm is poking out of a large puke of rubble. I quickly pick up the giant pieces of rubble and throw them to the side, looking at my friend, making both of us cry harder.

Nini is covered with a bunch of scars with blood. a few small gashes, she looks like she's dying. "No! No, no, please no!" Gina cries. "HOWIE! NINI's DYING! GET OVER HERE NOW!!" I scream in my earpiece. I shouldn't have left her, I could've found a way to save both girls.

"My only regret...is that I never got to sing...like you saw" Nini mutters to Gina, taking her hands, blood flowing down her body. Please, don't let this be the end of Nini. She was so helpful for so many problems, don't let us lose her.

"No! You're gonna survive, and you're gonna sing on that stage," Gina says, but Nini giggles. "See you on the other side," she says, closing her eyes. No, no, no, no!

Howie quickly shoots down next to us and runs towards me. "Where is she?" He asks. I quickly lead him over to the dying girl. He quickly bends down and waves his glowing moonlight hand over her.

The scars glow silver until they finally vanish. But she doesn't wake up. Her eyes aren't opening! Why isn't she waking up? I run my hands through my hair trying not to cry. Gina interlocks their finger and cries. She can't dye, she helped me, Ricky, and Gina through our problems. What do we tell our friends? What do we tell her moms?

"We need to get her back to the gym!" Howie says. I quickly pick her up and superspeed to the gym, shocking Ashlyn. "What happened?"

"She almost died, Howie was able to help but not completely" I explain, my voice cracking. "I got her, go back," she tells me. I hand her Nini and superspeed back.

"Will she be okay?" Gina asks crying. I quickly wrap my arms around her and breaks down in my chest. "She'll be fine, she'll fight her way back" I whisper, even if I don't believe myself. But she's Nini, she has to survive. And the hardest part...

How do we tell Ricky?


Ricky's POV

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