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Ricky's POV

We were walking down the street of school, making our way to the parking lot, learning more about Andi, Jack, Cyrus, and the rest. "Come on, show them!" Gina nudged Walker's arm, she said he always keeps at least one art journal in his bag and he's really awesome, like Vincent Van what's-his-face awesome, or whatever the dead artist name is.

"Okay, okay" Walker reached in his bag and took out his journal, he flipped through the pages and showed us a picture of Andi, not gonna lie, it was beautiful.

"Walker, this is amazing!" Carlos said, Seb gently put his hands on the paper and they flowed across like a river. "Your really good." Walker started to smile. "Thanks, it was actually the winning painting at a local art fair."

"So we're looking at the future Artist of the year," Big Red said, Walker quickly turned his head away. "And more importantly, his art proved something important, that I am a beautiful teenager" Andi smiled placing her hand on Walker's shoulder.

"We already knew that" Jack whispered in Andi's ear, but since I was walking next to him, I heard him. Andi turned his way and smiled.

After getting to know more about them, we decided to go home, but we'll probably hang out later.

"Can you give me a drive?" Ashlyn asked Nini. Oh, right, Nini got her driver's license last week, she's been talking about it for weeks, she was really excited when she knew she could drive to our houses anytime, not that I want her near my house, not with all my stuff going around.

"Sure, you'll have to give me the directions to where you live though" Nini smiled. We all said our goodbyes, I got on my skateboard and rode away. I thought I heard someone calling my name and I turn around to see Big Red on his skateboard getting closer to me.

"Hey, what's up?" I stop skateboarding so he can catch up with me.

"I wanted to see if you were okay, you were kinda quiet."

I just remained silent, it's not that I don't wanna be around him, but I just don't know what I should tell him, I can't tell him about my mom, my scars, or Todd, all he knows right now is that my parents are arguing. What else am I supposed to say? Sorry, but my mom has been hurting me for years and has a new boyfriend, and I keep this from you since I was 13? NO!

"You ok?" He softly touches my shoulder, he's such a good friend, I wish I could tell him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just my parents arguing" I mumble, I'm so tired of keeping secrets, but when you live in my family, the abusive parent installs a large amount of fear in you.

"Oh, I'm sorry, well you can always come over when you feel like it" he smiles at me, but I didn't, I just kept my head down and avoided contact. I feel his arms wrap around me and I fight the urge to burst out in tears.

"Will you really be there for me?" I asked him.


After a while, I finally let go and we go in separate directions.

I was skateboarding home, my head lost in the clouds when suddenly, some force pushed me off. I fell flat on my face, luckily I wasn't on the street, just the sidewalk. I look up to see the same stupid group of jocks who surrounded me on the first day of school. They grab my arms and force me into this dark alleyway where I see...ugh, Andrew.

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