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Ricky's POV

After the gym, EJ and I were at his house, we were both playing with Asher. I grab my phone and see the cutest thing ever.

"Asher, are these dolls?" I smile at him, picking up the Frozen dolls he had. "Carlos and Seb got him those for his 3rd birthday, but he never plays with it" EJ explains. I look at Asher, who turns away almost embarrassed. "Why not?" I ask.

"Da boys at schoo say they gurl toys" Asher sighs. EJ and I share sad looks. Poor Asher, not doing what he love because of other kids, I then walk up to him and bend down. "Don't listen to those boys. You wanna play with Elsa and Anna, do with no shame" I say handing him the 2 dolls.

"But dey gurl toys" he cries. I pick him up and place him in my lap. "It's okay if their girl toys. Here's a little secret, EJ and I used to play dolls with Nini" I smirk, making him laugh.

"Have I ever told you how good you are with kids?" EJ nudges my arm, making me chuckle. "Well, obviously I got that from my dad" I mumble, fiddling with my locket. I really miss him, it's been almost 2 months. "Have you talked to him?" EJ asks.

I shake my head. I'm actually feeling really guilty. Gina said I should ignore it and push through, but maybe I'm not doing it the right way, cause I feel guilty and sad that I haven't talked to the only good parent in my life.

"Maybe you should. I'm sure he misses you" EJ tells me. I look at my phone for a while, then grab Franklin. He got me the bear the first day my mom slapped me, he was the parent that looked out for me, he deserves a better son than one who just takes him for granted.

"Wicky, you otay?" Asher asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm good, but...can I have the room for a minute?" I ask. EJ nods his head and picks up Asher, walking out the room and closing the door.

I pick up my phone and press my dad's name. My hands start to shake and I can't touch the button. I take a deep breath. I have to do this, I need to talk to him. I press the button and after a few rings, he picks up.


"Hey, dad" my voice cracks.

"Ricky! Hey, bud, it's great to hear your voice again How've you been?"

"Could be better. I've been staying with EJ. What about you?"

"It's good. I should be back in a couple of days, can't wait to see you again. I've been thinking of moving, maybe to a smaller apartment. It can be just you and me."

"Really? What about mom and Todd?"

"It doesn't matter right now. They've been hurting you and I don't want anyone in your life who abuses you, even if it is your mom. I want you to feel safe no matter what."

I'm honestly surprised, no one's really cared about me enough to move for me. I hate that my dad has to do this stuff because of me, I hate ruining people's lives just so mine could get better. "Dad?" I ask, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Yes, bud?"

"I'm so sorry," I say, the tears threat coming through and falling from my eyes. "I'm so sorry I have to make you do this. You shouldn't have to do all this for me, you should be happy and I'm so sorry. I'm 15, you shouldn't have to worry about me, but you do. You'd be better off without me, I should just lea-

"Richard Bowen! Don't you ever say that again! Don't you ever be ashamed of who you are! I don't care who you are, you could be 36 with a wife and kids, but I'll still worry about you. Because no matter what, you will always be my little boy. I should've done this sooner, maybe we've could've been living with my sister until we could get back on our feet. I'm sorry kid. I love you so much and I sho-"

What did you just say?" I ask.

He stays silent for a while but then I think the realization hits him. "I'm so sorry I haven't said that in a while, but I really need you to know that. I've been keeping in touch with Dennis and EJ mentioned something you saying nobody loves you. But I do. I love you so much, you know that right?"

I honestly don't know what to say, nobody has said those 3 words to me in such a long time, it's like my heart just stopped when those words were said. "I-I know. I l-love you too, dad" I smile at him.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay, bye daddy" I hang up.

He doesn't love you, you know as well as we do that nobody loves you, you deserve to be alone and you always will be

I feel my emotions building up and I can't control myself. I see gold vapor start to form in my hands and my pupils glow. "SHUT UP!" I scream. I accidentally used my telekinesis to pick up my bag and throw it against the wall. I quickly grab Franklin and hold him close to my chest.

I hear rapid footsteps and EJ comes into the room. "I heard something slam and you scream! Are you okay?" He asks, but I shake my head. "I talked to my dad. He says when he gets back he wants us to move so it'll be just the 2 of us. He said he loves me."

"Well, I do agree with you moving away from your mom, and that's a good thing someone else told you that. What's wrong?"

"No offense, but when I hear those words from other people, it doesn't mean anything. But this time it came from my dad...I don't know what to feel right now" I say looking down, a few tears falling down.

EJ closes the door and examines my face, seeing how sad I am and how much I've suffered, wiping a tear from my eye. He walks over, sits next to me, and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"It's okay if you don't know what feel...no one's told you that in a while, but you need to know that people love you. Your dad, Nini...me" he says, flashing me a sympathetic smile. I start to break down and he wraps me in his arms. We both lay down and I lean on his chest. He kisses my forehead and whispers "It's gonna be okay curls." And "I got you, bubba."

Sooner or later, everything got dark and I let sleep take over my body. Are my dad and EJ right? Do people love me?



When I heard Ricky's snores, I managed to move him out my arms and lay him down on the bed, covering him in my blanket. Before I leave the room, I take another look at the sleeping boy. Soft snores escape his mouth and I snicker. I snap a quick picture and save it for myself to laugh at.

 I snap a quick picture and save it for myself to laugh at

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When I walk downstairs, I see Asher coloring with Ashlyn. "Hey, is Ricky okay?" Ashlyn asks me.

"Yeah, he got off the phone with his dad and he had a lot of emotions, his powers out of control. Now he's sleeping" I explain. Ashlyn nods her head. "Come color, E-day" Asher grabs my hand and sits me next to him.

I still can't help but feel by for Curls, he thinks nobody loves him, and his voices are just making it worst. I need to help him, but what else can I do.

Yay! I get to write about Mike Bowen, the best parent in HSMTMTS, cause let's be honest, nobody has a reason not to be a Mike Bowen stan, which is why y'all might hate me in the next chapter. This chapter is really sad and heartbreaking, but as I said before, I kinda like writing sad Ricky. So after this, I am definitely writing my own version of HSMTMTS Season 3, I'm so excited that they're doing Frozen. I don't care what happens, Gina is definitely being Elsa, Ricky is Kristoff, Seb is absolutely Olaf, and EJ is Hans, now Anna will either be Nini or Ashlyn, if you don't know what I'm talking about, go to my conversations, I left a link to my source. Have a great day or night, wherever you are

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