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Ricky's POV

Tonight really didn't go the way it was supposed to. Gina said it should've been fun but instead we're losing the best friend we've ever had. The one who convinced me to come down to the party. It honestly really sucks that Gina has to live a life like this.

Everyone may be upset, but EJ, I can't imagine how hard he'll take it, even if I did read his mind. The way we feel about Gina is completely different. The only time he's ever cried over someone was his parents when they died. We're in his room and I'm trying to calm him down, but he can't stop crying.

Right now, we're both on his bed and lying on the bed, his back facing me. "She's leaving. I j-just. S-she was finally starting to, to talk to me again, but now she's gonna be gone in a matter of days..." he says, choking back his tears.

"You really like her... don't you?" I ask, I finally get him to sit up and look at me.

"I do, curls. I've liked her since the first day we started training and when we got to her house we had this huge pillow fight. The last thing I ever expected was to cry over her. The only time I ever cried over someone was my parents. I've never felt this way with anyone."

I sit next to him and wrap my arm around him and he lens into my shoulder. "I'm really sorry EJ, I know how much you care about her, but you and Gina are the strongest people I know, she'd be lucky that you wish she could stay."

After a few seconds, I hear him whisper something.

"You're right, bubba. I gotta go!" He sits u, grabs his Duke sweatshirt, and quickly runs out, I would ask him where he's going, but I already know where, which makes me grin.



I run out my room and head straight for Gina's house. I didn't even bother taking my car, with all this adrenaline going through my body, and I'm gonna lose the confidence I'm feeling right now! I run normally on foot a few blocks and I'm not even tired.

Suddenly, I feel that familiar electricity spark my eyes, igniting my speed, my feet pick up and I see the red electricity my body starts producing. Soon I'm super-speeding all the way to Gina's house.

When I get there, I see her on the front porch, crying with her knees up to her chest so she didn't see me run up, I guess she also didn't feel the wind.


She quickly looks up at me and tries to wipe her tears away, but I quickly grab both her arms and pull her in for another hug, kissing her cheek. Her cries grow louder, but she pulls away and looks at me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"I can't stop thinking of you. I can't get you out my mind...and we never had our talk."

"Right, well I'm not sure we'll be able to since...I'm leaving" she sniffs.

"Hey, come here" I pull her in for another hug and snuggle into my chest. "How long do I have with you?"

"10 days," she says pulling away from me

I think my heart just topped. "What? I was hoping for at least a month" I felt my eyes get watery, but I try not to cry in front of her. "Please don't leave" I beg grabbing both her hands.

"I'm sorry, I have to. I wouldn't have been surprised if we ended up leaving earlier. One diaster and bye, bye Gina."

I'm still struggling not to cry, but then I come up with an idea. "Can at least have a vision. To see if I get to see you again?"

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, squeezing my hands. After a few minutes, I see her purple glowing eyes return to their beautiful brown eyes again. "What did you see?" I ask.

"I don't know, it was all a blur, it all happened so fast" her voice cracks, and more tears flow down. I bring her in for another hug, and this one lasts longer.

"There's something I need to tell you," she says. I pull away so she can answer.

"I wouldn't quit on us...if I wasn't moving away. I am so sorry for ignoring you yesterday, I wasn't myself, I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm so sorry if I did-"

"Hey. It's okay. I wouldn't quit on us either" I tell her. I bend my head down connect our foreheads together and we stay like this for a while. I wish it could always be like this, but she's leaving, and it can't.

"Can I at least come in? We can watch a movie again... for the last time?" I ask.

"Come on in," she says walking in. I look down and see she left her phone. When I pick it up, I see there's a number she was about to call, looks like...oh. What am I doing? I take out my phone and put the number in it then walk in. Why did I just do that? That's number isn't important, but something tells me I might call it in the future.

We're both sitting on the bed, the movie, Aladdin was about to come to an end. I look over to see Gina laid out on her couch asleep, she shifts and shivers. I take off my sweatshirt and cover her with it. I know it won't do anything, but I want her to have something to remember me by.

I give her a soft kiss on her cheek and walk out of her house, trying to fight the urge to cry. Why does she have to leave? Can't she stay? Does everyone I care about have to leave? Can't I just be happy with someone?

I walk into my house and look at Ricky and Ashlyn, who were watching tv. When they turn to me, I quickly look down so they don't see my glossy eyes. Ricky quickly gets up and gives me a tight hug. I just let my tears roll down my face and I melt into him, crying deeply into Ricky's shoulder.

She's really leaving, she's gonna be gone in a few days.

This chapter kinda breaks my heart, not gonna lie. So Gina's gonna be gone and EJ is heartbroken. So by the way, I literally came up with my own High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: Season 3. If you guys want me to, I'll post them after I finish this one. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are.

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