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Gina's POV

We are on another rooftop again, watching our city being torn to pieces, since we have the stone, we have the advantage. We make the first move, we just have to be ready. I fiddle with the stone in my hands before stuffing it in the pocket of my belt.

The plan is going well so far, Sadia put up her dome of thorns around Salt Lake and Jean's aurora's are covering the outside, I wonder what everyone in and out of Salt Lake is thinking about it.

I look over at Ricky, he's been silent, I mean, he usually stays silent, but this time it's worrying me, I can't imagine the things he must be going through, the things he must be thinking, how bad and sad he must be.

I walk over to him, he's sitting on the edge and I had to take a seat next to him. He doesn't even look at me, he's just looking off into the distance, his lips parted a little, and his eyes watery. "It's my fault."

"It's not your fault," I tell him.

"Really? It's my pregnant mom, her crazy boyfriend. Is there anyone to blame?"

I didn't know what to do, but I do know that he needs someone to be there for him. I slowly and awkwardly rub my arms around him, hoping he'll talk to me and I won't have to force it out of him. I hear him let out a sigh, guess that means he's gonna talk.

"When I was a kid, I'd go on and on about how great my family is, how lucky I was and everything...now look at where I am: a crazy battle with my mom trying to destroy the world, and my dad's in jail. I just wanna see him again, give him a big hug, just see him...one more time."

Okay, now I understand where he's coming from...kinda. He wants to see his dad again, now I can relate to it. "I know what that's like, I really do wanna see my brother again. For now, I need you to do what I told you: ignore it and push through. After this, when you need someone to help you through these tough times, with your mom, your dad, the upcoming brother and all...you have me, Nini, EJ, you have all of us. Just remember...you're not alone. It's like High School Musical: we're all in this together."

He looks at me with a frown. I wrap my arms around him and give him a side hug.

"So...what do we do while we wait?" Jean asks, getting our attention.

"We prepare...we getting ready to fight" Nini smirks, blue sparks flying outta her fingers.

"Remember" EJ starts. "Get hurt, hurt them back. Get killed, walk it off. Alright, listen up. Until we can destroy that Stone, our city is our priority. Mal and Bruce, Nini and Jean, Sadia and Ricky-

"Actually...I think I'll go solo just for now" Ricky crosses his arms. We all agree without question, Ricky angry and his emotions taking control of his powers, that's like an angry Wanda Maximoff, Ultron, Thanos, and Agatha saw the short end of Wanda and we don't wanna see the short end of Ricky.

"Okay never mind, Gina, you're with me" EJ looks at me, making us both smile.

"Now, this is a lot for us, we did simple stuff like fighting a villain on the street to trying to save the whole city from a fear toxin that corrupts their brains and makes them wanna claw each other eyes out. Now it's time to step up, show them what we can do. We're gonna bring heroes back."

"What force?" Nini puts our fist in. The others slowly join in. "THE ELITE FORCE!"

"Well, look at that!"

We all turn to see Todd and Ricky's mom floating in the air. "Your protection spells are strong, right?" Nini asks Lily and she says yes.

Ricky shoots them with a beam of energy, but his mom does the same. After a while, Ricky gets exhausted and falls on one knee, but I quickly help him up.

"Why don't you do the honors," Todd tells his mom who smiles.

Ricky's mom shoots a beam of energy at the building, it collapses and so do we, falling under the rubble.

"All too easy" I hear them say. They must've forgotten EJ had super strength. He lifts up the debris that almost crushed us and throws it into the air, then shoots 2 force field projectiles breaking it, and we see our bodies glowing green. "You weren't kidding about a protection spell, not even a scratch," I tell Lily.

"We're protected, but it won't last long."

"Keep the stone away from them," EJ says, shooting a force field projectile shaped like a ball. Lily raises her hands and the projectile multiple, hitting the 2 villains everywhere. Suddenly, Ricky's mom's hands start glowing and the stone flies out of my hands.

"The stone!"

Suddenly, Ricky's hands start glowing and he and his mom start playing telekinetic-tug-of-war with the stone, that's when an idea forms in my head.

"Ricky! On my mark let go" I tell him and he nods at me.


He quickly drops his hands and the stone flies to his mom, but before she can reach it, I create a portal that it flies through. I create another one and the stone falls in my hands.

Sadia quickly makes thorns rise from the ground and grab them by every limb. Nini shoots bolts of electricity at them, therefore, shocking the villains. The witch's eyes start to glow and the plants die, turning into the dirt and falling to the ground.

"I got this!" Mal says. He then opens his mouth and...breaths fire!! "Have you been hiding that the whole time?" Howie asks.

"His mom was a fairy and a dragon, which is why I call her Maleficent," Bruce says.

I think his fire is about to break the Cosmic Witch's barrier. She then quickly lets out a blast of energy that almost knocks Mal off the roof, but Bruce quickly catches him. "We to buy some time!" Howie says.

"I got it," I say. I create a portal above them and more than 100 zombies pop through, burying them in the horde. "Come on!" I create another portal and we jump through before they get the chance to recover.

Another chapter, sorry this one is boring, but hey, warming you guys up, this final battle is gonna take a few chapters, this might just take all December, joking! probably. I made it a little longer cause I didn't want to end this story. If you guys want, I might post another chapter today cause this one seems kinda boring. Stay safe and have a great day or night, wherever you are

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