Chapter 15

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I couldn't believe that we actually chatted so long that I failed to notice the time.. if not for mumma then I would have spoke to him for another few hours..

Now, I was walking to our class when I found Anu coming along with Aarav.. what the? Like seriously did they come together or they just met now?

Anu saw me and telling something to Aarav came towards me..

"Hi Divi", she smiled

"So how's Aarav?", I asked

"Won't you say a hi atleast?", She asked

"Hello Anusha.. now will you let me know?", I glared

"Ok ok fine, he's fine now", she said

"Yeah seems very fine with you", I smirked

"What do you mean?", She asked

"You like him, don't you?", I asked

"And why do you think such?", She asked

"Ofcourse Anu, the way you where worried for him yesterday was clear.. you wouldn't just care so much", I said

"I know I do like him, like a crush may be.. but I was myself surprised by the way I reacted yesterday.. I don't know what Arjun must be thinking", she said

"Well you will know that soon.. I'm sure you already found the one for you, just find the love", I winked

"Although I din't understand your words, it still made sence", she laughed

"Ok so yes fill me the details", I asked

"Nothing much, I just went and gladly his mom dint ask me much of questions.. I went to him and just gave him company for a while and came back", she said

"That's it? I expected something spicy to happen", I said

"Oh that for sure with you and Arjun", she smirked

"What do you mean?", I asked

"I see something between you two Divi.. don't think I don't observe", she said

"Honestly no Anu", I replied

"Don't you like him?", She asked

"The like you are saying is different from what I feel.. ofcourse I like him as a friend, not like you think and nor I want any such", I said

"I understand, but as I said understand your heart Divi.. don't run away", she said

I just nodded unable to form proper words and I'm glad she let it go then.. she's understanding.

I was walking while I suddenly tripped and fell down falling on my knees. Anu gasped and held me immediately helping me to stand and made me sit to a side.

"Divi are you fine? Is it hurting too much?", Anu asked worried

"Yeah, it's paining", I cried

Yeah, I could feel my eyes going moist.. I was always a sensitive kid.

"God I guess it's paining too much.. it's bleeding Divi", Anu said

I looked at my knee where my jeans now turned red with blood.. Anu checked my hands to see if I was hurt anywhere else and yes, my left arm was also bleeding slightly..

Did I fall that hard.. how come I din't realize?

"Ok you wait here.. I'll get the first aid", Anu said getting up

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