Chapter Eleven

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A couple of weeks had passed and your leg had begun to heal up nicely. Miranda and you shared an awkwardness. You hadn't had an argument with her or anything of the sorts but you couldn't help but feel the tension. Miranda sat in the kitchen and flicked through some books she was reading. "Take a break..." you said quietly. Miranda hummed and kept reading. You rolled your eyes and slowly walked closer. She hadn't noticed that you were right behind her. You slammed her book shut from behind causing her to jump. She glared heavily at you. "Take a break... I want to get to know you... The real you. How do you expect me to get to know you if you keep your nose stuck in a book." your voice was soft yet demanding.

The blonde grabbed your hand and pulled you close. The action made your breath hitch. "Perhaps I could punish you instead...." She hummed as her eyes scaled over your body. Her eyes were predatory. "I think you deserve a good punishment after running away..." She cooed in your ear.

You shifted and blushed. Your mind was spinning nots. What did she say? "Err... Maybe some other time." you said in a panic. She chuckled in response and loosened the grip on your hand. "C-Can we do something?" you asked. Miranda glanced at you with a predatory grin. "Not like that." you said harshly. She frowned. "Please, Miranda, I've given you a chance but there's nothing but awkwardness." you frowned.

Miranda stiffened. "I have to have a meeting with Alcina tomorrow. I need to prepare..." She said and started writing a few notes. "We leave tomorrow at nine." you groaned at the time. She looked at you with hard eyes. The longer she looked the more soft her eyes grew. "I promise you that we can do something tonight. I'm busy. I have to plan the ceremony and plan a reading for this damn meeting." you saw how tense she was and glanced to the side. "As for the awkwardness... It'll fade." She said with a coo.

You sat down beside her with a huff. "I'm still mad at you for pretending to be Mia." you smiled sheepishly. Miranda rolled her eyes and continued with her work. "it would have been easier if you had told me from the beginning." you stared with a glare. Miranda looked up and sighed. It didn't look like Miranda was going to say a word. "I understand... Your point of view. But... I wish you had told me sooner." You said with a huff.

Miranda looked deeper into your eyes. "Was there something you wanted?" she asked gently. You took her hand. It practically caught her off guard.

Miranda's shimmering eyes met yours. "Tell me more about your daughter?" you asked. Miranda froze. You placed a hand on her back. Her wings shot from her back causing you to jump away. "Miranda?" You said gently with a little worry. The blonde's face was twisted with an certain emotion. "I'm sorry... What did I do?" you apologised. The blonde glanced at you with a dark embarrassed blush on her face. What did you do? "Are you okay?" you asked with worried eyes. Miranda glanced at you.

You grew warm underneath her gaze. "It doesn't matter... Just... Perhaps don't touch my back again... For a while." She forced out. She seemed flustered.

You smiled nervously. "I'll see you tonight then..." Miranda watched as you left her. She growled under her breath. The blonde's urges to make you truly hers was growing every day at an incredibly fast speed. Once you had left Miranda, you touched your brow. "Stupid." you hissed to yourself. You went to Rose's room and saw her asleep in the crib. You smiled and kissed the infant on the head. "Hiya, little flower." you muttered. You sat beside the crib and noticed a few books. You picked up a photo album and flicked through the pages. There was Miranda. She looked... Almost sad. It made you frown. She was wearing a wedding dress and was standing with a man... Her husband?

Something dark rumbled in your heart. You glared at the photo. Annoyed you flicked the page over like it was nothing. The next picture was of a little girl. Miranda's child? Maybe. Eva? Wasn't it? You the next photo, Miranda was smiling widely. Like that moment was true happiness for her. She didn't look like... The Miranda you knew. Her.. Old self? Seemed much more innocent. A smile graced your lips. She was wearing a long lab coat and Eva was hugging her leg. Cute.


You awoke in a field. It looked like it had just been turned to ash. A red liquid coated the ground. You heard a scream. 'Do not go towards the scream!' Your thoughts yelled. But you did. You stared wide eyed at the figures. Snow fell from the heavens. There was a young girl that looked practically identical to you. The only difference was that she had very familiar ghostly eyes.

She was sobbing over a body. You tilted your head. Y-you were lying there.... Dead. You gulped and stares wide eyed at your form. Your body began to turn into flakes of pure white snow. You frowned. You weren't quite sure what was happening. Your world faded into darkness as you reawoke coming eye to eye with the worried expression of Miranda. She sighed in relief. Should you tell her of the dreams you were having? "You're awake." She smiled.

You nodded. Rose was staring you with large eyes. Miranda lifted Rose and you followed her to... Wherever she was leading. Suddenly she disappeared with Rose causing you to growl in annoyance and slight betrayal. You felt a sudden hand on your shoulder making you yelp. Crows circled you as you felt the world spin. You shut your eyes in fear.

When you reopened them, Miranda stroked your cheek. You were... On the roof? You met her with curious eyes. A breeze blew your hair gently. "I told you that we would do something later." she smirked and gestured to the picnic around her. Rose was in a basket and made noises of delight when you came towards her.

Miranda had put in an awful amount of time and effort into this. You grabbed her hand. "Thank you... Its beautiful." you admitted. Miranda's wings were out and puffed in happiness. "You know, your wings might even be more honest than you are." you smiled. Miranda rolled her eyes and gave you a plat of your favourite dish. You noticed a pile of... Rocks? Beside your seat. The fuck was going on with this crazy woman. There was also stained glass, shells and keys in the pile. You chuckled. Then it hit you. When you looked at back at Miranda her feathers puffed out. A blush grew on your face as you forced a question. "Miranda... Do you have animalistic treats? Like the traits of a crow?" you asked. Miranda's eyes widen. Her wings lowered in shame. "It's nothing to be ashamed about." you cooed.

Miranda nodded. It made your blush worsen. Was she trying to court you? You looked after birds... You had seen them court. The fact that you were only figuring it out now was embarrassing.

You laughed with Miranda about silly things. Her time as Mia was surprisingly appreciated. "Do you what happened to Elena?" you asked with worried eyes. Darkness lingered in Miranda's eyes at the mention. A primal growl left her. "Miranda..." once you had said her name the blonde's face switched back to normal.

She acted like nothing had happened. Her golden talons scratched the blanket slightly. "Probably bathing in pleasures that Alcina can give her. Alcina held some sort of want for the girl. What it was? I don't know and I don't care." she growled. "You need not worry about any other... You need only me." she said a little lighter.

You reached for Miranda. "But she's.. She's my friend, Miranda. And I'm pretty sure I'm hers too." she let you touch her hand. She took a hold of you and squeezed. You yelped as she suddenly pinned you to the ground. "M-Mir-" suddenly her lips were on yours. It was so soft yet so possessive. You unintentionally touched her back. It made her want grow stronger. You pushed her away. Her eyes seemed to glow slightly. "Goodnight Miranda..." you said in a hurry and did your best to get down from the roof.... Half way down you fell on your backside. Miranda hurried over to the roof's edge. "Goddamn it..." you muttered at your self as you left to go inside.

You weren't mad about the kiss.... Oh no... You weren't mad at it. It felt nice... But that was the problem. It felt so right.

Miranda frowned and curled herself in a ball. She hadn't meant to do that. Not without your consent. She rubbed her eyes. She was so overwhelmed by your scent and her need to make you hers... That she forgot about the wants you had... To get to know her. She picked up Rose. The baby reached for her cheek. The baby's eyes looked almost sorry for her. Great... Now she was getting pitied on by a baby...



Thank you so much for reading! Sorry updates are slow 🥺 school is a paiiiin 😭🤣

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