First Day | Chpt 2

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Hi, so as the introductory chapter I had a 3rd person POV, from now on it'll be different character's POVs including (y/n). Any important chapters that need to be 3rd person, will be!

Uploads will hopefully be every Sunday, extra uploads will come on Wednesday if I have one!


(y/n)'s POV

They're having me keep a diary. They call it a journal log, but that seems like it's trying to mask what it really is. I was listening to what this man was saying, 'taking notes' as he suggested, even though it appeared to be all in the packet he had given us.

There were a couple of other kids here who would be distributed to other schools in an attempt to integrate them into the hero life. It was called the Villain Integration Program, which I found to be rather...insensitive. I was never a villain and to think I needed this much fix me or something. 

VIP debriefer has a big fat nose. I scribbled in my log, thinking that was an important part of the meeting.

I had been told several times by Aizawa to check my attitude at the door. While he was by far the most understanding person I had talked to, he was still blunt and told me how it was. This was an opportunity to reform myself to better help society now that I was free from my parents' reign. I had never really done anything under their 'reign' so what trouble could I really be causing. 

"Several schools are partnering with us to take you in."

Take us in like stray dogs? Hadn't they been the ones to take our parents out of the equation? Now they were acting like they were doing us a favor. I glanced to a girl across the way, who had her feet up on the table. She looked at me, feeling my stare, returning a nasty look. She looked rather normal, except for her irises. They were dark but had white etchings in them that I couldn't really make out. I just turned back.

It might've come off like I was a threat, like I was being forced into this program only to be put in a school to cause trouble. Aizawa was just furthering the process along, seeing something else in me that I really didn't. It wasn't like I was going to hurt anyone, I had only done so a few times under my parent's will. I did have a 'temper and nasty attitude' though, to most people that provoked me. Most everyone probably thought I was ungrateful. I didn't like the scrutinizing eyes, that I was only a villain. 

I was not.

After a few days of training and letting the whole parent issue behind me, I was actually intrigued to attend a few of these hero classes. I had been informed before that I would get nowhere near a hero, considering my 'unfortunate' past. That was fine, I didn't really want hero or villain, one or the other. They had just said I would have a chance to work for an agency, maybe even a sidekick. It all sounded good, I wasn't ungrateful. I just didn't like the idea of being a part of this agency. Meeting all the people I would. 

I drummed my fingers on the desk, stuck in this retched room. 

I was staying in a hotel right now until they deemed me fit to integrate into the classroom. All of this was so new, which was why they were trying to find the first kid who could. I glanced ahead at a sniffly kid seated 2 seats in front of me. He looked really young and I almost felt bad for him. It was peculiar, seeing so many people in probably similar situations.

"You'll be on a strike system, 3 minor incidents and you're out. Any harm or danger coming to students is an automatic out of the system."

This felt like...some kind of witness protection program. Except they really weren't trying to protect our identities here. 

The Villain Integration Program | Kirishima x Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now