An In | Chpt 33

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Hey babes ^ Claudia by finneas


Kirishima's POV


"What?" Bakugo asked, putting his jacket on my bed after we had returned from the arcade.

"Don't you get what I was hinting earlier??" I asked. After (y/n) had told me that she had caught us kissing, I thought we were done for. Normally, I would've believed that she saw us as an item now, people to never develop feelings for because of it. (y/n) had told me she didn't want to intrude on things, a soft, embarrassed warmth on her face. It made me think that if we included her in more complex relations or flirtations, that maybe she would feel better about slipping into a relationship with us.

Bakugo and I had briefly discussed it again when I brought up the fact (y/n) had been ignoring me. I recalled the face Bakugo made, saying that Everyday he learns to like her more and more. We had thoroughly laid out intentions, wants, needs, everything. We were fully intending to confess to (y/n), the both of us at the same time, at some point. The right moment. At first, I had thought maybe Bakugo and I covered all the loose ends and fit perfectly together. There was room for one more, specifically (y/n).

Bringing it up would not be easy and I could already tell that I sort of made (y/n) nervous. Earlier today, I had gotten the chance to wrap myself around her, feeling her breathing against mine. Despite any sort of scars and stitches, her skin was really soft especially her cool hands. Sleek hair and dark eyes, she was just as beautiful to me as Bakugo a different way. Earlier today, she had shied away and avoided the conversation with both of us. Maybe it was all too much for her, having told me about catching us when she didn't have to.

"What were you hinting earlier?" Bakugo huffed.

"(y/n) knows we're like, you know, all sweet to each other."

"I am not fucking sweet to you or anyone."

"You know what I mean," I said, hitting his shoulder with the back of my hand. His eyes lulled as he rolled them, looking for me to elaborate. "She knows, which is like 1 step easier to telling her how we feel. Plus...if we get closer with her then maybe she'll get the idea that she can be a part of us. Like we want."

"Tch...I guess."

"If we flirt with her, she'll know something's up," I pointed out.

"Or she'll think we're like fucking on the side or something," Bakugo said.


"Oh get over it," he said, sitting on my bed. He examined his hands, as he frequently did, brushing them together slightly before looking back at me.

"I'm just saying that we have an IN with her now. I say we go out to dinner with her tomorrow," I suggested.


"Wear something nice!"

"I don't wear shit clothes, you know that," he scoffed.

We planned on asking her that next afternoon to get ready and come out with us. She was sat at her desk, writing diligently in her notebook through the bell. She tapped her pen to the paper before closing the notebook and packing her stuff up. Bakugo and I cornered her, standing on either sides of her desk. She was bend over, putting her stuff in her bag and when she sat up, she jumped when she spotted us.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Oh, uhm, hello," she responded. I nudged Bakugo and he glared at me. He knew he had to be a part of this, as much as he didn't want to be so outwardly open.

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