Signed | Chpt 39

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Hi there sorry this is like so late for me I completely forgot. Happy Easter to those who celebrate


(y/n)'s POV

"Right through here!" the woman stated, leading me down a hall. This was not the same classroom that I had learned the VIP rules in, they must have multiple location. This was a safe-looking facility with outstandingly clean halls and paint jobs.

I had signed the papers.

I didn't know what truly compelled me to do it, but I had signed off on the papers. I would be getting extra funding sent through Aizawa and transport would come to pick me up on days that I designated in my schedule. It was just like having a job or an internship. At first, I thought this might be bad for my track record, considering I was in this program to work for something like the hero commission. If I worked here, then they might hire me on as a full time person that sought out new children to bring in. They had said this would be a good thing on an application for a hero job, so maybe not.

The person leading me around was the woman on the phone around a week ago, advisor Kai. It was clear that she would be my main point of contact. She had informed me that it was sort of odd to be starting out during the holiday season, but I clearly had no reason to celebrate any winter holidays. I was not really looking forward to it, considering I was now aware that the entire class went home for the holidays. I didn't really want to stay here all by myself and it felt a little awkward still, intruding on Aizawa and Mic's lives.

I had tried to schedule during the break, but VIP had not allowed me to. I was having my first of the above. They had just told me to talk about my experience in the program, answer questions, things like that. I was also told that Hibiki was still pushing to meet with me.

I had broken down and agreed, so I would be seeing him later.

"If you feel at all nervous, just end early," she said, nodding to me. She opened up a door without a moment of preparation and I stumbled inside. They were starting me off with a small class, just 7 kids. My eyes scanned over all of them, seeing that they were all lazily sat with individual glares on their faces.

"Uhm...hello," I said, waving and placing my bag on the desk.

The teacher was sat at their desk, clearly not paying any attention. My eyes were drawn to a girl at the front and I immediately recognized her from the classes that I had taken. She hadn't given me her name, but I remembered the stark white etchings in her black irises. She had a quirk that made her blurt out the truth, no matter how hurtful. How was she still in this class? It was like time had not even passed, her sitting with her feet up on the desk and gum in her mouth. She stared back at me, gum blowing out in a bubble and popping. I didn't think much about it, but she probably chewed gum to keep herself from talking.

The rest of them looked equally as unhappy to be here. There was a particularly tall person at the back of the classroom with a scaly complexion. Someone with multiple eyes. I watched a kid crack his neck for something to do.

"Ahem, I'm (y/n) (l/n). It's nice to speak to you all," I continued. "Uhm...I don't want to make this all about me. That's not interesting. So I just wanted to talk about the program and what it can do for you guys. Not just what it did for me."

I saw the girl at the front roll her eyes and I swallowed. I can handle this.

"Being in here seems like it sucks, right?"

I felt a dirty look from the teacher, who all of a sudden was listening.

"I've been there, trust me. It seems boring and repetitive and I'm not going to sugar coat it. The thing is, is that this chance to really be able to do what you want. I don't just say that to sound like some kind of motivational poster."

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