Copy Cat | Chpt 24

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(y/n)'s POV

Toga was knelt down in front of me, arms crossed on my legs and her chin resting on her arms. She peered up at me and I couldn't help but stare back down at her. Occasionally, she would brush my hair back out of my face.

"I like you (y/n)," she said. "We're more alike than you think."

I felt my lip quiver and it caused my teeth to chatter too.

"People always used to make fun of me and no one would ever play with me on the playground," she said, her head laying to the side. I could sort of taste blood in my mouth and I felt so sick because of it. "So my parents just locked me away when I was young. It was so hard for me to integrate into places because of it. Now...I sort of have the hang of it. With the league."

I felt my eyes start to water.

"You know what that feels like, don't you? Like you don't belong? I just want you to belong," she reassured, brushing fingers across my face. "You poor thing. You really think that you fit in over there with the hero wannabes? I've seen and I've felt the way they look at you. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. It hurts, that no one suspects me because they don't know you. They don't care enough. I care."

I knew that might be true, but it didn't matter. I was still holding the words of some of my classmates close. I was not a villain. That isn't who I am. Toga's hand cupped my cheek and I felt myself begin to cry. The water just pooled up against her hand, dripping into my lap as she picked her head up.

Now that I knew what care felt like, I just wanted it so badly.

I leaned into her hand and in blinkng away the tears, I caught glimpses of her satisfactory smile. In her own little way, she had begun to win. Toga placed her forehead against mine, tilting her head.

"Sweet (y/n)..."

I started to cry again, so hard my head started to pound.

"I'll be back, stay where you are," she said, laughing slightly. "Ah, I crack myself up."

She left and I dropped my head again, crying when the sore muscles of my neck stretched. My hands curled around my ropes, clenching tightly.

"Kutsu come on, I need to go home."

I felt the soft slide of Kutsu and my fists unclenched, letting out a sigh of relief. He slithered in between the ropes, snapping them open. I collapsed forward, hands catching me with a solid smack against the floor. Kutsu slithered around me a few times before stopping. I laid there for a few moments, belly down on the floor. I picked up my head, looking towards Kutsu.

"Good boy...come on, we look like shit," I said, voice raspy. He slipped back inside one of my stitches and I struggled to pick myself up off the floor. I finally managed to stand, gaining my bearings and looking around. I was dizzy, but I stumbled out a door and made my way as fast as I could towards what appeared to be an exit. It was cold, dark, and rainy out. I shivered, squinting to look around me. I had no idea where I was, but had managed to slip outside. I just had to pick a direction and go. I moved towards my right, realizing I was wearing clothes that were not my own which hung off my body as they soaked with rain.

Toga may not have realized it, but each time she took blood from me she was beginning to look sicker and sicker in my form. That would make it even harder to distinguish between us. I spotted a woman pushing a stroller.

"Please, could you help me--" When she spotted me, she moved to stand defensively in front of her stroller. I stopped, realizing how crazy I must look and I still looked like me. I had forgotten that I scared people. "Sorry--"

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