Enough Reason | Chpt 16

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Hiya. Welcome to the new year! I told you guys you wouldn't like last chapter.

Small recap, everyone watched the courtroom video regarding the case about (y/n)'s mom!


(y/n)'s POV

I sat outside Aizawa's classroom. He was inside, having told me to wait and calm myself down before we would deal with the issue.

After what had happened, I decided to go to my dorm. I didn't really have anywhere else to go, so I shut myself inside feeling myself begin to cry hysterically. I collapsed in the desk chair, covering my face up with my hands, spreading the tears all over my face with my palms. I choked out a breath, looking up to the card I had made Aizawa for his birthday very soon.

I sat, jaw quivering for a moment. I just picked it up as well as my journal and snuck my way over to the 1-A classroom. That was where he said he would be when he dropped me off earlier. Unlike many of my 'snitch' sessions, my mother was not there today. I didn't know what I would say to her if I saw her now and I certainly didn't know if I was going to see her again. I felt compelled to, thinking about how she really had technically loved me--no matter how bad her decisions were. Maybe she had been lying, but my mother was not weak. She wouldn't have broken like that to save herself in some kind of way.

I wiped at my face, fist pounding at the classroom door.

It was very obvious I wasn't welcome here. I had thought that I made friends, but they all sat and watched the video. They had said nothing. Despite their actions or feelings towards me, it was obvious that All for One was going to come after me soon, or was already planning something.

I had more than enough reason to leave.

Aizawa slid open the door, looking at me with shock as I stood sniffling and crying before him. It didn't even matter anymore, what people thought about me. So why not cry?

"I--know my mo--ther said to protect--me here or, whatever," I said, "But can I just be transferred to the--the detention center?"

Aizawa was silent except for the quiet sound of his breath. He didn't know what had happened or how I knew my mother had told him to do so, which was beyond shocking. He placed a hand on my shoulder, pulling me in and past him so I stood in the classroom. He slid the door shut, turning to look at me.

"What happened (y/n)?" I cried over my words, telling him that the records of the trial were public and the other students had watched the videos while I was away. I told him that I had seen everything, all about my mother and All for One.

"I'm too dangerous and every--one hates me," I cried, sat in one of the desks. Aizawa sat across from me, listening with a stoic face. I could tell he was still shocked by his students and all that had transpired just 20 minutes ago. "I'm going to get everyone killed, I just want to go away."

"(y/n), it's alright," Aizawa continued, watching me and handing me tissues. I sobbed, unable to see it any other way.

"I just want to leave," I choked, shoving the card and journal his way. "I want to go away, just take it and transfer me!"

Aizawa's hands took the card, opening it up and placing a hand on my shoulder. He read over the nice message I had left him about his birthday, looking at me again. I rubbed tirelessly at my weeping eyes. He glanced to the journal. Aizawa fully understood the strength of what I wanted, what I needed for myself. Though he felt compelled to keep me here, it was technically my choice.

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