A Halloween Party | Chpt 8

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Hello there people. I know it's like way past Halloween, but here you go.


(y/n)'s POV

Halloween was this Sunday and I had spent the day on Saturday to myself for the most part. I had briefly left with Aizawa to give evidence about another regular at our bar. I was beginning to feel like a snitch, and I essentially was. 

That Sunday didn't feel any different, so upon waking up I was rendered unaware of the holiday for that first hour. When I walked into the common room, I was greeted with paper spiders, cobwebs, and plastic pumpkins scattered all around the room. Everyone was having a Halloween party, each class to their own, so it appeared that some of the students had decorated yesterday and last night. There was an empty table with a plastic table cloth over it, awaiting the Halloween snacks people would put out. The kitchen was busy with Sato inside and I decided not to disturb him. I snuck a banana out of the kitchen and retreated back to my room undisturbed.

I stood unlocking the door when Kaminari leapt out from Mina's room--the one next to mine. I glanced his way, unbothered and he frowned at the fact his loud noise had not affected me. 

"What the hell?"

"You're not going to accomplish it, so get out of my room," Mina scoffed, shoving the blonde boy fully out of the doorway. He pout and trudged his way down the hall and back to his own room. I glanced to Mina. 

"Maybe I'll pretend the next time," I murmured and she smirked. 

"Hey, come in for a second?" she stated and I nodded. I had yet to be in anyone else's room, so I was intrigued to see what Mina wanted. She waved me in and I tip toed behind her, taking a look around. Her room was full and very patterned with bright colors. She sat herself down on the fuzzy rug in the center of her floor. 

"What did you--"

"I wanted to do your make up, you know for the whole scarecrow thing," she offered and I sank down to the floor beside her. She had quite an impressive collection of make up and I wondered if she used blush as powder instead. She eyed her belongings before asking me what color my shirt would be. I paused before going back to trifle around in my stuff. I returned with a plaid green shirt and handed it off to her. "You going to eat breakfast?"

"Eh, I can wait," I stated. She shrugged and pulled out a palette. 

"Okay, so I'm thinking orange for your face, like straw," she said. She ran a huge brush in a dusty orange color and plopped it in the centers of my cheeks, making circles. She placed it on the tip of my nose as well. She went through, drawing black shapes around the orange like cheeks and a nose and then asked me to close my eyes. 

I felt her work and she would blow on my face every once in a while. When she declared she was done, she handed me a mirror and shuffled around on her knees to sit behind me. I held the mirror up as she ran her fingers through my hair. It had orange with little fake stitch marks circled around them and drawn on lower lashes. She had drawn stitches across my mouth, widening my face into a smile.

"You like it?" she asked.

"Yeah, I do," I replied verbally, rather than nodding. She was still working on my hair and I didn't want to move. It was nice, seemed like a more friendly, cute way of presenting my flaws. I actually quite liked how warm it made my face look. Mina, quick with her fingers, was done with my hair in no time. 

"Okay, I wanna get dressed so you should put on your costume too! I really want to see the straw hat on you," she offered. I felt myself smile and her eyes flickered across my face, smiling back. I returned to my room, thinking that Halloween wasn't all too bad. I got all ready in my costume, as simple as it was, rolling up the sleeves and looking at myself in the mirror. 

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