'Villain' | Chpt 46

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Hi Beautiful people. I waited since Heartstopper came out to rewatch it with my friends and I did that yesterday. I passed a threshold after holding back on watching it a second time and now I've cursed myself. I deadass have zero reason not to watch it everyday.


(y/n)'s POV

Waiting was the worst.

People were trickling back into school and I was waiting for Aizawa to get back to me about things. It had only been a day, so I felt like I was being impatient. I really was, unfortunately. I had gotten a message from the advisor Kai that Hibiki was requesting another meeting with me and to her, I was checking my schedule. I didn't want to meet with him until I knew what was going on.

If there were traces of something in the food, then Aizawa would most likely accompany me to talk to Hibiki, take things to people who knew what they were doing. If there was nothing, then I grew worried of what might follow. The chances that Hibiki was lying or trying to trick me didn't seem very high. How would this benefit him? He wouldn't try to tell me some lie that I could figure out, that was counterintuitive.

If there wasn't anything in the food, I wondered if Hibiki's theory had just been wrong. Maybe VIP was doing something else and I was just going to leave him in the dust or get him kicked out. This was all because I couldn't keep it together under pressure like this. If I had just talked to Aizawa in a calmer way then maybe this wouldn't be so shit.

Then again, I was probably worrying about nothing. Aizawa listened to me and my opinions, so my concerns about Hibiki might be addressed. I glanced at my phone as it buzzed.


I felt my stomach churn, but picked up my phone and made my way to the common room. I tucked it in the pocket of my sweatpants, waiting for the elevator to stop and let me out. I saw that Kirishima had shed his jacket, scarf, gloves, and hat onto the couch, his bag on the floor.

"Why the hell are you making a mess? Just keep it on until your dorm you dumb fuck," Bakugo hissed. I smiled slightly.

"YAY! (y/n)!" Kirishima called, scooping me up in a hug. He always lifted me up just a little, my feet dangling above the ground as he leaned back. I could feel that his cheek was cold as it pressed up against my ear, but the rest of his body had been covered up and kept warm.

"It's been like a week or something," I said.

"So?" he asked, setting me down.

"It wasn't that long."

"I know, I know," he replied, placing hands on either arm. "Are you wearing the shirt I got you??"

I glanced down, realizing that I was.

"Oh yeah--"

"Awe! You must love me so much."

"Mmm I didn't say that," I said, my face heating up.

"Actions speak louder than words," he pointed out, gesturing over to Bakugo. He was still bundled up neatly.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," he greeted back. He shoved my head aside as he walked to the elevators. "Why the fuck did you make her come down here when we have to drop off our stuff?"

"Drafting me for help?" I asked, turning to Kirishima. Kirishima picked up his bag and I took his hat and gloves, walking with him as Bakugo held the door open with his foot. The elevator door shut as we got in and they stopped at their floor. I followed Kirishima, into his room. I had been in Bakugo's room, but I felt as though I didn't make any appearance in Kirishima's dorm. It was similar to his room at home, which was cute.

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