Embarassment | Chpt 11

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Hi babes


(y/n)'s POV

Aizawa's class for today could've gone better. A lot...better.

"You'll be teaming up to spar today. No quirks, just going through different fight sequences. The challenge today is environment. While your experience at the USJ attempted to teach you this skill, there were obvious setbacks from then. We'll be doing slight environmental obstacles rather than weather for today, for example forrest versus city scapes. Partner up and I'll place you in a setting."

I glanced around, feeling Mina step to my side to partner up.

"Wanna be partners?"

"Sure," I replied, noting that there was a group of three working together as well. Uraraka and Deku went first out of everyone as we got to sit and watch. They were placed in a forest setting, leaving the dirt of the arena and quite a few fake trees around. The ground was uneven, like it could be in the depths of the forest. It tripped the both of them up a few times, running into branches and confined within the small space. Deku ended up winning, though without quirks Uraraka made a close second.

A few more pairs went by before it was Mina and I's turn to go.

"Todoroki, may I ask for your skill set's assistance. I'd like snow," Aizawa sensei requested. Todoroki just nodded, filling the spar space with large mounds of snow and blocking us into the square with spikes of ice. Nothing too sharp, there was no way to really hurt anyone unless one of us threw the other towards the boundaries. I shivered and I could see that the skin on Mina's arms was prickling up.

The cold wasn't good for Mina, her acid was less slick than it should be in the frigid air. She was lucking out in that she couldn't use her quirk for this exercise. My quirk didn't work at full capacity when it was really cold, as a lot of the creatures I could create were hibernating creatures. They stayed awake rather than actually becoming incapacitated, but were sluggish and so was I. It wasn't all too bad unless it was unbearably cold like it was now. Using quirks or not, I was not exactly in a good position.

I felt the urge to yawn, but held it in my mouth as my jaw stretched. Aizawa called for us to go. It was a solid fight as we went along, borderline a practice routine. My shoes sank into the snow, hem of my gym uniform pants soaked with icy water. Snow scattered and flurried behind me as my feet slid back and dug into anything solid they could catch. Mina had successfully pushed me back.

Our hands met, forearms and fists, blocking each other's moves. I stepped back, ducking from her attack, though she grasped me and wrenched me backwards. I stumbled towards the ice bricade, catching my shirt on the icicle there. In one solid motion, back turned to the class and turned to the ice, the tip of the spike slit my shirt up the middle as I fell to my butt. I froze, feeling the seat of my pants settle in the icy snow as it melted. My eyes looked right towards the arms of the shirt around my wrists, almost completely off my body entirely. The skin of my back and abdomen prickled up in goosebumps, Mina skidding over to stand in front of me rather than having my bare back turned towards the rest of the class.

I wasn't all too worried about the fact they were looking at the back of my bra, but rather that they could all see the nasty stitch I had on my back, the biggest one.

"Let's call it for that one," Aizawa stated. I felt the soft brush of his basically sentient scarf on my back. I stood up quickly and made an embarrassed dash for the locker rooms, the scarf following me until I made it through the door and didn't require a cover anymore. I gripped the ripped material of my shirt in my hands, plopping down on one of the benches inside.

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