Ketamine | Chpt 48

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Hello. We're back! Happy pride month!

Recap: Aizawa has the results of the food test!


(y/n)'s POV

I fixed myself up and made my way to see Aizawa. I had urged the boys to stay behind, this wasn't really something for them to deal with. I didn't know if I should've even told them about what was happening. I didn't know about the results yet.

I let myself in when Aizawa said the door was open. There was a stillness to the air and when I entered, there were all the bags of gummies spread across the coffee table. One was open, and Aizawa walked in from the kitchen to the lounge area.

"Sit," he said, gesturing to the couch. I gingerly sat down on the edge of one of the cushions, watching Aizawa pick up a piece of paper and sit down beside me. I didn't want to sit so close to the food, as if it could poison me from here. I had been thinking, that maybe if the food was safe that it wouldn't be a valid test. Maybe they weren't doing it anymore because I had signed with them. I didn't know if they were doing it to someone else.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"I sent it to my friend to have it tested privately so as to not raise any issues," he said, looking to me. He had stress creases in his forehead and his stubble was particularly long, which indicated that he hadn't had the chance to shave. "We were just looking for anything suspicious that shouldn't be in the food, obviously."


"There's traces of ketamine in these," he stated. I saw that the rest of the bags were open now, towards where we were sitting. My stomach dropped as I looked over towards the food. I weirdly expected to be wrong. I couldn't believe that Hibiki was actually right. A pain struck at my chest stringing along my nerves. I pinned my hands beneath my legs so that I wouldn't have to feel the uncomfortable tingle in my fingers.

I instantly felt so sick. There was no way that it was in my system anymore--but the idea that I had just been consuming it freely. My mind was struck with the memory of clinging to the candy after a major upset. I had stuffed myself so full of the candy that I threw it all up later. I was lucky that it hadn't killed me.

"What does Ketamine do?"

"There's such a small dose in all of these that there no way it could've been noticeable. Ketamine is used for conscious anesthesia," Aizawa said. "In a proper dose, it would be used to numb or sedate the body but keep the mind relatively awake. Hence why...they would use it?"


"With how you had been consuming it, it probably made you a little less sensitive to pain or numb. It also tends to make you physically sluggish or drowsy, maybe nauseous, headaches. It might've affected your memory in some way. It can also make you anxious or antsy...sort of fearful," Aizawa explained. I sat there, letting all of this sink in.

No wonder I had been a shell of a person.

That was the reason I had been so tired and able to sleep through the night. That was why I had been so sick. That was why I had not been acting like myself. I had been so anxious and paranoid upon coming here, and it was because...they drugged me.

They fucking drugged me.


"I almost died," I said, my lip trembling just slightly. I swallowed and shook my head. "I got so upset one night that I just ate the whole bag. I ended up throwing them up, but--"

"Don't--dwell on something that didn't happen," Aizawa said, setting the paper aside. "Listen...I feel as though I have to...apologize."

"What? Why?" I asked, looking up to him. He frowned and let out a breath.

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