Kirishima's House | Chpt 41

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Hi there babes. I really keep forgetting to post on Saturdays 🙄 I was at work all day today tho


(y/n)'s POV

I went back to work for VIP one more time before winter break. I didn't see Hibiki, I knew that I could to him later. Previously, I hadn't had anywhere to go for Christmas. I was going to spend it here at school, just...doing my own thing. I had thought that maybe if I forced myself to be alone then I could get back into it, just for a little while.

I luck had brought me to Kirishima's home for the break.

"Have your location on," Aizawa said, wrapping a scarf around my neck. "And be back for Christmas eve and Christmas, you'll be spending them here."

I nodded, but I was getting kind of dizzy watching him wrap the scarf around me. My eyes looked down at the several layers of it.

"Uh huh--"

"Don't hesitate to call if you need anything," Aizawa stated, finishing up by tucking the end of the scarf over my shoulder. He looked down at me and I glanced up, my neck stiff and growing hot.

"Little...tight," I said.

"You're fine," he stated. He picked up my bag, placing it over my shoulder before ushering me on out. "Have fun and stay out of trouble."

"Sure, I will," I said, glancing back at him. He stood looking at me with his arms crossed, overly protective all of a sudden. He was all for letting me work things out on my own, but after talking with Mic, I got the feeling that Mic had spilled about my worries. Maybe he didn't and Aizawa was just weary of me staying somewhere else. Staying with Kirishima and Bakugo. "I'll be safe."

"I know...enjoy the holiday," he said. I smiled at him reassuringly before heading towards the front of the school where Kirishima told me to meet him and Bakugo. There was a swish of material as my arms swayed back and forth, all bundled up in my winter coat. I spotted Kirishima and Bakugo waiting.

"Hi," I called, holding up a gloved hand. "Sorry, Aizawa was taking a while to say goodbye."

"Tch--you look like a fucking marshmallow," Bakugo said, smirking. I waddled up, frowning at him.


"What? You gonna fight me?" he asked. I glanced down, the bottom half of my face disappearing into my scarf. Bakugo spluttered out a laugh and Kirishima just pushed me forward into a walk, his hand on my back. At least I thought it was, I couldn't really feel it through all the layers.

"It's cute," Kirishima reassured.

"Yeah, it's nice to know that Aizawa cares," I agreed.

"Mmm yup," Kirishima said, shrugging. That didn't seem to be what he meant, but I just followed holding tightly onto my bag. I had a nice outfit put together in case I needed it, but had enough outfits to last me through Kirishima's. I was all packed up and ready. We walked a while and Kirishima explained a few things. "So my mom, the one who actually...birthed me? She's the one who works a lot. She might not be there when we get there. My other mom, she's pretty excited to have you both over, but she tries to act cool about it."

"Uhm...what am I supposed to call your moms?" I asked.

"Oh! My bio mom you can call Ishi (rock or stone). That's not her name but she's the one who gave me her quirk so everyone calls her Ishi, especially me," Kirishima explained. "My other mom will honestly go by Kirishima sama or Okaasan."

I nodded, putting it to memory.

"What is Okaasan's quirk?" I asked.

"She can change the texture of stuff, it's kind of weird but handy," Kirishima said. "I used to hate wearing certain clothes, so she changed the texture of them so I could wear them."

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