The Boys | Chpt 7

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Hello there all

It's my birthday! I'm 20 today :)


(y/n)'s POV

It was Friday and we were gearing up for movie night. This morning, standing in the locker room, the girls were more keen on talking around me. I assumed I had made a somewhat good impression upon them, which was good for me. What I had been thinking about all night, upon returning to bed, was how the girls hadn't said anything about how they felt about me. If anything, it wasn't bad. It was just the parents that were a problem and Aizawa had assured me not to think about it anymore. That didn't mean I would listen, but it was good advice to at least hold onto.

Upon loitering in the gym for everyone to arrive, I was again approached by Iida.

"Have you given more thought to movie night?" he asked. The girls might have a first impression of me, but some boys had not. Bakugo seemed the most angry at my arrival, so I was weary of being there if he was. Iida appeared to be holding himself forward, on his toes. It was obvious that he liked being in control, aware of who all was going and what to expect. My unpredictability was obviously stressing him out, which I understood.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting," I stated. He seemed to relax at the fact I had apologized, appreciative of my gesture. "I...will be there."

"Great, a seat will be reserved for you," he replied, hand slicing through the air with great purpose. I nodded and he stepped aside to give Aizawa his full attention.

"We'll be sparring today and through Thursday of next week," Aizawa stated. "That Friday will be a catch up day for you all after you've sparred. There will be a short written evaluation of yourself and your partner. I'll need 2 pairs to complete their spar today, quirk use allowed within reason. The safety of your partner is of utmost importance and I will be removing quirks as I see fit."

Oh great, I needed to find a partner.

"Seeing as we have an odd number of students, I'll be having (y/n) sit out."

Oh thank goodness.

"Mr. Aizawa, Hagakure is injured from her work study," A boy with the largest tail I had ever seen piped up. I had no clue that Hagakure was even injured, but I suppose I couldn't see the injury.

"Ah, right, nevermind then," Aizawa stated. "2 pairs come up to go first."

I had never sparred before, though I had seen a fair share of bar fights or my parents brutality towards civilians. I didn't exactly know how to defend myself, but I figured I wouldn't get too hurt. I just had to choose someone best suited for this kind of thing. I didn't know very many, so perhaps one of the girls would volunteer.


I turned to see Bakugo pointing in my direction. A few people's eyes snuck to look at us. The boy walked up with great oddity, his boots stomping into the dirt.

"Spar me."

I had no clue what his quirk was or if he was good. He seemed...confident and I had some word of him being rather intelligent.


"Bakugo, why don't you spar with Midoriya," Aizawa intervened, gaining a few more pairs of eyes.

"That's not fair, I want to fight her," Bakugo scoffed.

"(y/n) has never sparred before this," Aizawa said.

"And yet she's in this class?" Bakugo questioned, throwing his hands up in the air, "I don't care if she's too chicken to fight, they put her in the class so she's got to do the work--"

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