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18:27 P.M.

What are they saying?

His girlfriend and father were just across the room, talking to each other with amused smiles. Noelle's giving that charming smile of hers, which would be nice if he didn't know it meant she was talking about him.

And then, she has the audacity to prevent him from reading her lips.

"Good evening!" An annoyingly high-pitched voice greets the audience. God, was the magician starting already? Who cares, he just wants to take Noelle out of here.

Finally, she makes eye contact with him, and he didn't care if he looked antsy. He just wants to leave. She moves toward him, only for Father to put a hand on her shoulder.

Damian frowns. What the hell is he doing?

Father's saying something, but Damian can't figure out what with the magician attempting to energize the crowd.

And now Noelle's frowning, switching her gaze between the person on the stage and his father. And now she's giving that look of fear he unfortunately recognizes.

He looks at the two on stage, immediately gaining an eerie sense of familiarity with the two.

"You guys are so pleasant." Damian's eyes widen at the change in voice. He knew that voice too well to ignore it.


Shit, he thinks to himself as the shooting begins. Unlike those surrounding him, he doesn't duck behind a dining table. Jade has no reason to kill anyone right now. She wants to put on a show.

But Beau's killed before, and he'll gladly do it again. The people in this room are in actual danger if Beau gets any say in how this goes. Jesus, how did he not recognize either of them earlier?

He looks at where he last saw Noelle and Father. Thankfully, they're in the same spot, but Noelle looks ready to run. Her family, he remembers before looking around again.

It takes a few moments, but he spots the three ducked behind an old couple. Mr. and Mrs. King shield their son with their bodies.

A bright light shines on him. He blinks fast enough to adjust to it.

"Noelle King and Damian Wayne, please come to the stage!" Jade commands after a few moments of rambling.

Me? Why would she want me? Is it to mess with Noelle? Is it Beau's revenge for what happened at dinner?

Or does Jade know more than we thought?

He didn't have time to wonder or theorize. His girlfriend and he were just called to the stage to join the psychotic murderers. He needs a plan. He can't just knock them out, it's too risky with the entire room being hostages. As much as it pains him, Damian's going to have to sit there, wait for his family to do something, and attempt to protect Noelle in the process.


He makes eye contact with Noelle through the bright light, hoping to reassure her without looking too unaffected. The people here only know him as the youngest Wayne without a social life. Surely something like a hostage situation would demand a better reaction.

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