First Case Back.

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We arrived at the crime scene to see yellow tape blocking the area off and reporters already swarming around. I looked at dad, worried about how he was going to act. His face remained stoic but with a hint of irritation. He looked back at me. "Those damn reporters" I said. "Watch your language" dad replied back. I chuckled as I climbed out. I met Tony, Ziva and McGee at the back and grabbed the equipment that we needed. "You ready?" Ziva asked, looking at me. I nodded. "I'll be fine" I replied. I had no doubt in my mind that I would be. I was just nervous. I smiled. I turned and walked towards the crime scene. It wasn't that far but the swarm of reporters would make it seem farther. I took a deep breath in before I entered. They started asking me questions about the scene and what we know. How would we know anything when we just got here? That always amazes me. One reporter asked a question that stuck out against every other. "How does it feel to be the only agent who can't protect themselves?" the guy asked. I looked at him and started to continue walking to the scene. "What did you just say?" I hear Tony ask angrily. "She couldn't protect herself from the same guy twice who was a serial killer when she was an FBI agent and now as an NCIS agent. She even lived with the guy. I'm only asking if she is in the right career" the reporter answered only to be acquainted with Tony's fist.

"Leave or I will have you forcefully removed from the premises" Tony threatened. The guy held up both hands before motioning for his crew to follow him out. I looked to Tony and smiled. Another reporter, this time a woman, stepped forward and looked at me. "I want to apologize for him. That was a question that should never have been thought of. I am sorry about what you went through twice" she apologized, sweetly. I smiled at her. "Thank you" I said before we continued through. This time Tony walked next to me. I could tell he was still angry from the encounter. "Thank you Tony" I whispered. He looked at me and smiled his charming smile. "No problem Jess" he replied. We came to the yellow tape and Tony held it up as I walked through. I met up with dad  to see what he wanted me to do. The body of the naval officer was laying on his stomach with what appeared to be a mix between stab wounds and gun shot wounds. The victim was a woman. "What held you guys up?" dad asked. "A reporter asked me a question that wasn't not related to the case and Tony punched him" I replied. Dad looked at me, confused. "What was the question?" he asked. "What it felt like being the only agent who can't protect myself" I answered. Before dad could say anything else, I motioned towards the victim. He gave me a look that said that we'll talk about this later.

"DiNozzo, sketch the measurements. McGee, take photos of the scene. David, talk to the witness. Jess, tag and log the evidence" dad ordered and we all started to get to work. I tagged all the evidence and logged it and had McGee take the photos. Ducky was knelt down by the victim, examining the wounds and reporting his findings to dad. Palmer was next to them, waiting for instructions from Ducky or dad. We had finished within an hour and a half. We went back to the office with the evidence I tagged and the body with Ducky. We reached our desks to unload our gear. "Take the evidence down to Abby and help her out" dad said. I nodded and grabbed the box and headed to the elevator. The ride down was quick and silent. The door opened and I walked out while adjusting the box as it was sliding out of my arms. Her door was open as always and I walked in. I was met by her music blasting out as she was typing away at her computer. I set the box down on an empty spot on her table. She turned right around as she heard me set it down. "Jess!" she exclaimed as she ran over and enveloped me into her famous hugs.

I laughed as I hugged her back. She let go. "What do you have for me?" she asked. "Evidence for you to analyze and for me to help you with whatever" I replied. She smiled, grabbed my wrist and dragged me to her computer, which wasn't far, and sat me down on her chair. "Stay here" she said and she went to her desk which was in the next room. I heard the sliding door swoosh when she walked through. She was in there for a minute before the familiar swoosh of the doors came again. She appeared in front of me again with a medical hat which she had decorated. It had my name with Harry Potter drawings over it. I smiled and took it. I examined it further before putting it on. "I absolutely love it, Abs. Thank you" I said, hugging her. "I'm glad. Now, let's get to work" Abby said as she turned and grabbed the first thing out of the box which happened to be a vial of the victim's blood. She did her magic and had put it in the spectrometer thing. I had no clue as to what all the technological machines in the lab were called, much less on what they did. After that, Abby started analyzing every piece of evidence, putting them in machines to do their magic, and me helping Abby with whatever she told me to do.

It took a while and we hadn't gotten any results yet. AFIS was looking for a match to a fingerprint we found on the collar of the victims shirt. No match yet. Abby groaned. "Nothing! What is Gibbs going to say? How mad is he going to be because results haven't come back yet?" she worried. "Dad isn't going to say anything bad and he will not be mad. I won't let him" I said. She looked at me smiled. "The results will show up as it always does" I said, hoping that will relax her nerves for a while. Just then dad walked in. "Gibbs, everything is still analyzing so nothing there. AFIS hasn't found a match yet but it will as it always does. No need to worry" Abby said, standing up straight. I followed suit. "The machines are working their magic as fast as they can" I replied. Dad rolled his eyes and smiled. "Okay. Let me know when they do but for now, get some rest Jess" dad said. I sighed. "Alright dad. Night Abby" I said, turning to her and giving her a hug. "Night Jess" she replied. Dad walked over and kissed her on the cheek as always. We walked out and onto the elevator. "You're going to stay with me for now and don't argue with me" dad spoke. I nodded. "Okay" I answered. We walked out into the bullpen and say everyone was still here. "Grab your stuff" he said. I went over to my desk and grabbed my bag. I went over to McGee and gave him a hug goodnight as well as Ziva. I walked over to Tony last. "Goodnight Tony" I said. He smiled and pulled me in for a hug. "Goodnight Jess and don't think about that reporter and what he said. He doesn't know what he's talking about" he whispered. "I haven't thought about that at all today" I whispered back. We stayed hugging for a second longer before I pulled away. To be honest, I didn't want to. Being in his arms like that makes me feel safe and comfortable. I smiled and walked with my dad to his car. Sitting in the passenger seat, I gazed out of the window as he drove. My eyes grew heavy and soon, I was leaning against the door, asleep.

A/N: I am sorry for the late update. Hopefully, you like it. Things have been busy in my life and I finally had the time to update today. I am planning on making there be more Tony and Jess moments. I'm going to plan on doing another update very soon like maybe tomorrow. I am going to do my very best to do that. Thank you so much for reading my story and putting up with my slow updates, like very slow updates. I can't express how much I appreciate all of you for reading and commenting on it. Thank you.

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