The Call.

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Jess's POV:

I woke up to see Tony's sleeping face in front of mine. He was laying on his stomach, facing me. He looked adorable and cute. I stood up and walked over to my desk. I looked around. Ziva, McGee and dad were all asleep at their desks. I heard Tony groan. I looked over at him and saw him rub his eyes. He sat up and looked were I was sleeping. he stood up in a panic and looked around only to relax when he spotted me. I smiled. "Did you have a nice sleep?" I asked. "Not really. You?" he asked. "No" I replied. "Why is everyone here?" I asked. "I suggested that we all stay here and watch over you since you were already asleep" Tony replied. "You suggested that?" I asked. He nodded. He opened his mouth to say something when his cell phone rang. He answered it. "Oh hey Jeanne...I'm so sorry...You remember Jess, right?...Well, her ex-boyfriend escaped prison and is now trying to kill her...we all slept here...who's idea?...Well, mine...Yes, I totally forgot about our date night...I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you...Thank you! I love you" Tony said before he hung up. "You missed your date" I said. He looked at me. "It's not your fault! I forgot before I suggested that we all stay here!" he said, panicking. I raised my eyebrows. "I never said it was my fault but thanks" I said. I smiled. He exhaled and collapsed into his chair. I took my seat. I turned my computer on and sighed. My phone rang. I picked it up. "This is Special Agent Jessica Gibbs, how may I..." I started but was cut off. "By the way, I know where you work too" Chad said. My eyes went wide. I went on my computer and did a trace on the call. "How did you know?" I asked. "I have my connections. You were really lucky last night, having all of those people sleeping and watching you all night or I would have gutted you then" Chad replied. The trace was halfway finished. "You were here? When?" I asked.

"Oh I was there alright. You were sleeping in a ball next to a guy who was on his side, facing you. Who was he? He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath with a black tie. He had messy brown hair as well" Chad described. I looked at Tony who was looking at me in curiosity. He had described Tony and it was very accurate. I looked back at the trace. It was almost done. "What do you want, Chad?" I asked. Tony got up and woke up dad then the others. Dad stood up and wiped the sleep out of his eyes. "You know what I want, Jess. I want to see your insides. I want to make you pay for what you did" Chad snapped. "That's never going to happen, Chad" I replied. Everyone's eyes went wide. The trace beeped and I pushed back. I pointed at the screen and dad turned the computer around so they could see it. They took out their guns and dad got out his cell. He walked away so he wouldn't let Chad know that he knew where he was. The trace said that Chad Dylan is in the NCIS building. "Oh of course it's going to happen. Nothing can get in my way of killing you" Chad said. Ziva put the phone on speaker. "Not even your precious DiNozzo. I'll see you later" Chad said before he hung up. I gently put the phone back and just stared. "DiNozzo, David, stay with Jess. Me and McGee will search the building with security" dad stated. We nodded. Suddenly, red lights and sirens let out, locking the place down. Security showed up and they split up. It happened to fast. "He was here. He saw me and Tony sleeping" I whispered to them. "How do you know?" Ziva asked. "He described how we were sleeping and what Tony was wearing" I replied. A minute later, Ducky, Jimmy and Abby came up. "What's going on? Does this have to do with Chad Dylan?" Abby asked. "He here" I whispered. Everyone went silent. Tony grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him and smiled. I pulled him closer to me and I hugged his arm.

"Why is this happening?" I whispered. "I don't know, Jess" Tony replied. I started to cry. Tony kneeled down and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him like there was no tomorrow but I didn't hurt or choke him. "Don't ever leave me, Tony, not even for a second" I whispered. "I promise that I won't" Tony whispered. I smiled, weakly and buried my face into his neck. He was warm and very comforting. Plus, he smelled good. "It'll be alright, Jess" Ziva said. I felt her hand on my shoulder. "I hope so" I replied. Minutes later, the red lights and the sirens stopped. Me and Tony pulled apart but I grabbed his hand. Dad and McGee came back. "You didn't get him, did you?" I asked. They shook their heads. Dad walked to his desk and angrily slammed his phone to the ground, breaking it. I let go of Tony's hand and walked over to him. I hugged him and he hugged back. "It'll be okay, dad. You'll get him" I whispered. He kissed my head. "I hope I do" he whispered back. We stayed like that for awhile before head of security came up. I walked over to Tony and leaned on him. He put his arm around my waist and for some reason, it felt like it belonged there. "We didn't find him but we did find this phone" he said while handing a bag over to dad. Dad took it and nodded in thanks. He showed it to me. I paled. "Do you recognize this phone?" he asked. I nodded. "That's Chad's brother's phone" I answered. Dad kicked his desk and I flinched. I buried my face into Tony's chest. I took in a deep breath in and slowly let it out. As I breathed in, Tony's scent went into my nose and it was the best scent that I have ever smelled. "Jess?" dad asked. I looked at him. "Yes?" I asked. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yea, I'm okay" I replied. I walked over to Tony's desk and sat underneath his desk. I felt safe there. I leaned my back on the side of the desk, facing my desk but blocked by the other side of his desk. Tony sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Are you sure that you're okay?" he asked. "No, I'm not" I replied. I hugged his arm and continued to stare at the other side of his desk.

Gibbs's Daughter.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن