Back to Work

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It has been a few days and my face was stitch free. I was checked out and now I was on my way back to NCIS headquarters. Before I could actually get back to work, I had to get a physical to make sure I'm fit for duty. I had a slight limp in my right leg but it wasn't prominent enough to get in the way of my work. I parked my car and proceeded to enter the building and go through security. The security guards greeted me and welcomed me back. I smiled my way through and entered the elevator, leading up to squad room. I saw McGee, Abby, Palmer, Tony, Ziva, Ducky, dad, and DIrector Sheppard waiting for me with balloons. Abby was holding a plate of something. I'm guessing it held some sort of food. I was hoping for her famous cookies.

I smiled and made my way over to them. "Hy guys, good morning" I said as Abby pulled me in for a hug. I didn't see her set the plate down on my desk. I chuckled and hugged her back. "I'm so glad to be back to work" I said as Abby let go. I was hugged by everyone there. I loved it. "Jess, I made you some of my cookies. I stopped Tony from eating them all" Abby said, pointing at the plate. I grabbed one. "Thank you, Abs. I love them" I thanked. I ate the cookie and it was truly the best cookie that I have ever tasted. I went over to my desk and everything was back to how it was. "Agent Sam never sat down at that desk though she tried" McGee said, with a harsh tone in his voice.  "Well, I'm glad she didn't. I heard that she tried to throw herself at Tony here. Is that correct?" I asked. "Yes, it is. It was very strange to see Tony deny a woman who is throwing herself at him" Ziva commented. I smirked at Tony. "Good for him. She wasn't very nice at all when she visited me" I said. I looked through my drawers. "Tony, where's my ring?" I asked. He went over to his desk and grabbed it and handed it back to me.

"She tried taking that too. In front of the lady, too. I was shocked to see how much anger could reside in that little old woman" Tony said. I laughed hard at that. "Well, I'd hope so. This ring is mine" I said, slipping it on my right ring finger. It fit perfectly there. "When do you come back to work?" Tim asked. "As soon as I pass my physical" I replied. "Are you worried, my dear?" Ducky asked. "A bit. I'm worried my limp is going to prevent me from coming back" I replied. "I believe you'll be fine. I hardly noticed your limp" Jenny stated. I smiled, warmly at her. "I missed you guys so much" I said. "We missed you too, Jess" dad said.  I ate a few more of Abby's cookies and I gave dad one. "He gets one but not me!" Tony exclaimed. I laughed. "He's my dad" I replied. Tony rolled his eyes. Everyone laughed. I looked at the time. I had ten minutes until my appointment. "I got to go, my physical is in ten minutes" I said, leaving.  It took me five minutes to reach the office. I signed in and sat down, waiting to be called. It was like a doctor's office. I was soon called in and the doctor did what doctors do.  It took a minute or two for the results. I passed. I thanked the doctor and left. I got back to my desk in five minutes.

"How did it go?" Ziva asked. "Good. I'm cleared for duty" I replied, smiling. A tiny bit of me was afraid of going back into duty because of what happened but I will never let anyone know that. "Good. No more place holders" McGee said, relieved. I went over to him and hugged him from behind, like how Abby does it. "Aww, did you miss me that much?" I asked, teasingly. He chuckled. "Of course. We all did. Gibbs most of all" he replied. I kissed his cheek and walked over to Tony. I sat on his desk, looking at him. "What?" he asked. "Anything exciting occur when I was gone?" I asked, smirking. "No, it was boring without you. Is that what you want to hear?" he asked, smiling back. This time I rolled my eyes. I looked over at Ziva. "Did Tony bother you at all?" I asked. Ziva shook her head. "He was too worried about you to be himself" she replied. I looked at Tony. "What? Why would you stop being yourself?" I asked, shocked. "I was worried, okay?" he said, looking back at his computer. I leaned close to him. "No matter what happens to me, promise me you will never stop being yourself. I don't like it" I whispered. Silence. "Promise me" I whispered, more sternly. "I promise" he whispered back. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Dad came walking back with two cups of coffee in his hand. He handed on to me and I took a sip. It was hot and black. Just the way I like it. "Thanks, dad" I said. I continued to sit on Tony's desk, sipping my coffee. "Grab your gear" dad instructed. I went to my desk and grabbed my gear. Dad raised his eyebrow in question. "I got cleared for duty" I said and walked next to him. Once in the elevator, I smiled. I was glad to be back to work and with my family again. I was surrounded by people who I loved and cared for. However, the guilt for giving up my will to live before they came was still there and I doubt that it will go away any time soon. We got out at the garage. "Shotgun!" I shouted. Tony groaned in annoyance. "I hate when she does that" he mumbled. "Wrong, Tony. You love it when I do that" I replied. I sipped my coffee. There was more than half the cup of coffee still in the cup. I opened the passenger door and took a seat. I was really glad to be back.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait for the update. I've been stressed and busy with college. I have scheduled time in my calendar for updates. Sorry and thank you for your patience and for your support on my story. It does mean a lot to me. I am currently rewatching NCIS so I can portray the characters more accurately. I hope you like this chapter and my story so far. Thank you.

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