Nightmare 2 part one.

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I was in the elevator at work. I looked around but everything seemed normal. I tried to move but I couldn't. I didn't have any control of my body. I looked at my shoulder and there was no gun shot wound. It was like it never happened. The doors dinged open and I walked out. Everything was dark. Nobody was here. I couldn't move my head to look around. I continued to walk until I was between Tony's desk and Ziva's desk. Suddenly, a light appeared in front of me like one of those stage lights shining on an actor. Someone stepped into the light. It was Chad. I tried to scream but couldn't. Five more lights appeared around me. I could spin in a circle but that was it. People filled those lights as well. It was Ryan Dylan, dad, Tony, Ziva and McGee. They were pointing at me and laughing. "What a wimp!" Tony yelled. "You can't even take care of yourself!" Ziva yelled at me. "Weak!" McGee yelled. "I wish you weren't my daughter!" dad yelled. "I wish Chad had killed you that night!" Ryan yelled. "No! Stop! Please!" I yelled at them. They only laughed. "See? Even they don't like you. You were weak. Everyone knows you are weak! That's why the FBI treated you like a secretary and never let you go on any real cases cause you couldn't defend yourself against me!" Chad yelled. He laughed and soon, everyone was pointing and laughing at me. "You're wrong! I'm not weak! Ziva said I wasn't!" I protested. "I was lying! Can't you tell when someone's lying!" Ziva yelled. "No" I whispered. I fell to my knees and I covered my face. I was weak. I can't take care of myself. I screamed.

I was shaken awake. I immediately sat up. I looked to my right and saw Ziva and dad. To my left was Tony and McGee. Tears started to form into my eyes. I stood up, shakily. "I have" I said and hurried to the elevator. I pressed the button and got in. I pressed a button and mid way flipped a switch and the elevator stopped. I curled up into a ball in the corner and cried. I couldn't stop at this point. My phone kept ringing and I threw it to the other side of the elevator. I couldn't speak to them at the moment. I knew it was a nightmare and that they don't really feel that way. I finally stopped crying. I flipped the switch and the elevator soon dinged open. I exited. I was at autopsy. I went in and saw Ducky and Palmer sitting around a table. Palmer turned around when I came in. He hurriedly came over. "What's wrong?" he asked. I pulled him into a hug. "Nothing you need to know" I said. He hugged back. "It's going to be alright" he said. We pulled away. I smiled. "I should go back up" I said and waved goodbye to both of them and went back into the elevator. I pressed the lobby button and waited. I picked up my phone. The doors opened and I stepped out. I was swarmed by the others wondering what happened and if I was okay. I pushed past them and to my desk. "I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled. I got to my desk and went on my e-mail. I had some new messages. The first few were just scam. The last one, however, wasn't. I clicked on it. My eyes widened in shock and panic. I screamed as I pushed away from my desk. Dad rushed over and read the e-mail. The e-mail read...

A/N: I updated half of it. I don't really know how to go with it because I only thought up that part so I am making a part two. I will try to update that tomorrow. I left with a cliffhanger. I hope it was a good cliffhanger. I'm not really good at doing those kind of things. I hope you like the chapters that I updated today. I have some good ideas coming so get ready? I don't know. But a chapter or two will come out tomorrow. I promise. Love you guys! Thanks for the support!

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